Sunday, September 30, 2012

Understanding Online Business Success | Content for Reprint

Author: Mike Christie | Total views: 186 Comments: 0
Word Count: 653 Date:

Several years ago my wife and I decided to plant an above ground vegetable garden. The concept is relatively simple. You build a box to hold your soil and organic materials, and then plant your seeds. The benefit of an above ground garden is that you don't have to dig up your yard and deal with rocks, roots, and poor soil.

We were excited to get started and made a list of everything we needed. Once the box was constructed, we layered in the manure, organic materials, and top soil. Finally, we laid out our vegetable rows and planted the seeds, topped with a light layer of planting straw, and watered. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened. Every morning as soon as it was light, I would run out to the garden to see what was growing. Every morning it was the same story, nothing. I was discouraged.

Starting a business from home to earn income online is a lot like planting a vegetable garden from seeds. You work like crazy to get from the idea stage to implementation. You create your business plan, design a website, find someone to host your blog, build an auto responder, write and track your ads, create content, etc. You are ready and anxious to make sales, and nothing happens. It is like your seeds have been planted and you are waiting for the seeds to grow. But it is not happening fast enough.

Like nature, "growing" a successful online business from your home requires an understanding of cycles. The first cycle is "startup" which is defined by frenzied activity that is new and exciting because you are taking a bold step towards securing you financial independence. The second cycle is the "planting" of your business where you are initiating the promotional campaign necessary to generate a list of prospects that can be converted to loyal customers. The third cycle is the "harvest" where you experience actual sales revenue and profit from your efforts.

The timing of these cycles is what I believe discourages many who start their own home based businesses with the best of intentions. For me, the startup cycle was fun, energizing, and exciting. I love to learn new things and this phase was pure joy. Same with the planting cycle; nothing but positive energy and anticipation. In the first 6 months of my online business venture, I brought in a total of $20. All that time, effort, and money for twenty bucks?! This is where my vegetable garden experience helped.

From the time that we planted the seeds in our new vegetable garden, it took 6 weeks of daily watering and plucking weeds before we saw the earliest signs of seed germination. From that point, it was another 6 weeks of watering, weeding, and pest control before the garden actually started to take on the look of a garden that was going to produce results. Four months into it, we started taking out fresh organic vegetables and putting them on the dinner table. The harvets cycle was very satisfying, but it took alot of patience and confidence that with the right effort, the vegetables would grow.

Back to the business - Most people who have not had the vegetable garden experience would have given up after making only twenty bucks after six months. Not me. I knew that the seeds had been planted, and I was diligently watering and weeding daily in the form of email marketing and content distribution to build my subscriber list. True, six months may seem like a long time to not generate revenue from your efforts, but it really isn't if you consider that the business can support you for the rest of your life. The patience and persistence paid off when the money came flowing in, just like tomatoes ripening on the vine.

Michael Christie owns http://www.CashflowAnimal.comnwhere popular home business ideas and opportunities are testednrigorously to find out what works and what doesn't. Visitntoday for more info or check out our #1 work-at-home program at:n

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1: What is Cyber Marketing And Why It Is So Important For The Success Of Your Website

Cyber marketing has now become an indispensable segment of e-commerce as well as the internet and World Wide Web related topics. Cyber marketing simply refers to a technique of attracting potential customers by advertising your products or services through such means as websites, emails, and banners.

2: SEO Copywriting: How To Choose Article Marketing Topics To Achieve Maximum Exposure

Distributing articles online can be an effective way to build backlinks to your website -- when done correctly. This article explores how to choose the right topics for your article marketing campaign so that they will be widely accepted and distributed online.

3: Article Marketing Strategy: Putting Together a "Class Schedule" For Your Article Topics

Businesses go to so much trouble when there is one sure-fire, simple, very inexpensive way to attract new clients to a business: Teach a free class. That is what article marketing is like. Your articles are just like free classes. You teach your target readers something helpful in your article. Your resource box then says, "If you enjoyed this article you can visit my website and apply what you have learned."

4: Stumped For What to Write About? 15 Article Topic Ideas...

Do you ever dread sitting down to write because you're just not sure what to write about? When you're doing article marketing, you need to create a steady flow of articles. Even if you feel stumped, I assure you--you have more creative writing ideas in you. You just need a little help in looking at your topic in a new way to come up with new writing ideas. Use these 15 article ideas to start your next brainstorming session.

5: Article Marketing Or Guest Blog Posting : Which Do I Favor?

An analysis of Article Marketing in comparison to Guest Blog Posting as a strategy towards achieving the twin objectives of gaining backlinks and getting massive traffic


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Writing for Soaps session at London Screenwriters Festival - Yes

Remember Tracy Brabin, who played Coronation Street's Trish Armstrong - mother of Jamie?? Tracy's gone on from acting to writing for soaps and some excellent TV drama.? Check out her profile here.

Tracy will be one of the soaps writers speaking in the Writing for Soaps session at this year's London Screenwriters Festival.? The festival takes place in that London from October 26-28th October 2012 at the London School of Film, Media Performance, Regent's College.

The Writing for Soaps session is scheduled to take place on Sunday 28th October from 2pm to 3pm.? Also lined up to speak at the session is top script consultant and previous Corrie producer Yvonne Grace.? Yvonne and Tracy are joined by Mr Holby City Tony McHale.?

If anyone goes along to this and would like to write us a blog post after the event about the Writing for Soaps session, please do get in touch.

Check out the festival website.


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Original 2007 Google-powered iPhone maps app reportedly built by 2 engineers in 3 weeks

I've read more than I ever wanted to about maps this week, but this story about how the original, Google-powered was built for the original iPhone caught my attention. Here it s from Nick Wingfield and Brian X. Chen of The New York Times:

Including a maps app on the first iPhone was not even part of the company?s original plan as the phone?s unveiling approached in January 2007. Just weeks before the event, Mr. Jobs ordered a mapping app to show off the capabilities of the touch-screen device.

Two engineers put together a maps app for the presentation in three weeks, said a former Apple engineer who worked on iPhone software, and who declined to be named because he did not want to speak publicly about his previous employer. The company hastily cut a deal with Google to use its map data.

2 engineers. 3 weeks. Apple has spent the last year or more and who knows how many engineering hours trying to roll a new maps app. It looks nice, but iOS 6 Maps currently locates my house in the middle of a park, when I try to find a place to get my car rust proofed -- because winter is coming -- I get the wrong area code and a phone number that consists only of 443-0, and if I want to take a train downtown I suddenly need to buy an app for that.

Yet in 2007 Google's data was good enough for 2 Apple engineers to make a decent, if feature limited iPhone app in 3 weeks. That just goes to show you how important data quality is for something like maps, and how little a nice looking interface matters when you can't find something on it.

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook has already apologized for the current status of iOS 6 Maps, but not for taking away Google's much more reliable data. I don't expect him to either, any more than I expect Apple to apologize for dumping Safari RSS or X11.

People keep saying iOS 6 Maps will get better just by virtue of all of us using it. I'll correct my house, and use Google to find and correct the phone number of the anti-rust place (no idea how I can help fix the lack of train information though...) But it's going to take a lot more than me, or any of us, simply feeding Apple data to make a proper maps app. It's going to take Apple investing as heavily and determinedly as Google has over the last decade, but doing it much, much, much faster. It's going to take tons of money and a Herculean effort. Apple has tons of money. Let's hope Cook and company are serious about putting in the effort.

Until Apple mapping data is at least good enough for 2 engineers to build a pretty good app out of it in just 3 weeks...

Source: The New York Times


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Dish Network to offer rural Internet service

Satellite TV company Dish Network is launching a broadband Internet service that's aimed at rural areas that don't currently get high-speed Internet. Dish Network said Thursday that the satellite broadband service, dishNet, will start at $40 per month for people who bundle it with certain Dish's TV programming packages.


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Review the highest web hosting services you wish! | Bohol Chamber ...

Right now, everyone attempts to place online his or her own business to be able to take advantage of a terrific advertising campaign. And in actual fact, everyone is conscious of the truly amazing significance that the online world has in the lifetime of a business owner. Since its very first presence, internet took over as the finest weapon and tool to promote, market, sell and earn. Nowadays, it features us much more than it could feature during the past 15 20 years. These days, its options are unrestricted and so could possibly be your gain! Having said that, i can give you some standard illustrations of average business possibilities that have came out combined with the placement of the business on the web. Most blog owners from blogspot, wordpress, developing a massive traffic of unique visitors on a daily basis have moved to control their website pages by themselves, and no more blogspot internet domain or hosting to put your online blog business on. They have located better possibilities some other web hosting reviews feature, and that is, somehow, right. There are much more examples to present, even so, i think you?ve obtained what i was endeavoring to tell you.

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Learn about Wholesale Distribution Companies | Business and ...

Distribution Companies 250x250 Learn about Wholesale Distribution CompaniesWhole sale distribution companies have proliferated over the last few years. The main reason attributable is the expansion of the online marketing and internet. The internet opened up new opportunities for large scale marketing of a variety of consumer and other products without any worries of owning and maintaining a physical store or sales force.

The demand for the various fast moving products from a cross section of internet marketing community has triggered the birth of many whole sale distribution companies offering products at varying and competitive discounts to be resold to the online consumers.

Whole sale distribution companies though have mushroomed in the recent past the fact remains that few of them are genuine whole sale companies and the rest being simple middlemen. The chain of such companies operating today are benefited of varying discounts, and the ultimate internet entrepreneur is devoid of the product for the genuine whole sale price.

Whole sale companies that are genuine and established exhibits reservations for supplying to small volume internet operators that leads to the above mentioned situation. Further the inability of the back end supplier somewhere in chain to supply the article leaves you in the lurch with the only gain of a bunch of unsatisfied and angry customers.

The unhealthy middlemen chaining ultimately leaves very less margin for the tail ender. One should not be lured by the catchy advertisements one sees on the whole sale distribution and its merits. You are well advised to have a pragmatic approach and objective assessment in respect of such lucrative offers irrespective of the fact whether you are a prospective internet entrepreneur or a an enthusiastic consumer.

However, there are still a lot of wholesale companies on the internet where you can get great products at a great discount. But as with everyhting these days: you have to be careful and make sure you are not being scammed.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Discover Local London: The Step @ Bowes Park | Londonist

A new series profiling top local businesses and community projects that matter to local neighbourhoods around the boroughs.

The Step opened on Myddleton Road, N22 earlier this year. Few would have the balls to start a new cafe, bar and gallery on such a little known, hodge-podge of a faded Edwardian shopping street but locals Nell and Mat sniffed regeneration in the air and determined to bring a bit of buzz back to Bowes Park.

Open day and night, 6 days a week The Step not only dishes up delicious locally sourced food and drink in its bright and friendly cafe, it?s also home to events, exhibitions and stuff to buy with excellent London credentials behind them.

The majority of their food and drink suppliers are London-based, among them Wood Green?s Celtic Bakers, Meantime Brewing for lager, Hackney?s Eat My Pies, plus cupcakes from Amy who works in the Step and goodies from Ralph who lives just over the garden wall and runs the excellently named Entrees on Trays.

Almost all of the products on sale in the gallery are by London designer makers, many with a London theme. Locally designed and made greetings cards include ones of Bounds Green tube station and George Moore?s shopfront.

The current exhibition, Capital Connect comprises linoprints by local artist Katie Buckley of the train stations along the Hertford North line into central London ? Bowes Park being one of them.

Swiftly established events include a popular weekly quiz night, the Cracked Pot comedy night, Click Camera Club, Songs for Little People (and slightly bigger people), toddler and adult craft sessions as well as gigs and community meetings.

Coming up in October is the first in a series of Discovering London lunchtime talks, a wine, meat and cheese tasting by supplier Cannon and Cannon and a regular tip top table sale.

Want to visit? The Step is at 101 Myddleton Road, N22 (closed Mondays). Bowes Park Station is closest (get the train from Moorgate, Finsbury Park or Highbury & Islington), Bounds Green Tube is a 5-10 minute walk. Want to explore the area? Try this walk.

What?s your favourite local shop, cafe or community hub? Let us know, email


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PFT: No practice yet this week for Rams' Jackson

New York Jets v Miami DolphinsGetty Images

After Monday night?s Seahawks-Packers game, the last play of which a surprising number of people (of course, ?one? would be a surprising number of people) believe was called correctly, multiple NFL owners were inclined to keep fighting the locked-out officials.

Judy Battista of the New York Times reports that Panthers owner Jerry Richardson and Jets owner Woody Johnson initially wanted to dig in.? Others, like Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Giants co-owner John Mara, were concerned that damage was being done to the NFL.

Falcons owner Arthur Blank, who along with Mara,?Texans owner Bob McNair, Chiefs owner Clark Hunt helped negotiate the contract, believed it was time.? ?There was a sense of urgency on both sides to get it done,? Blank said.? ?The integrity of the brand is incredibly important.? The officiating was creating more controversy and focus on it than on play, and that?s something you never want to happen.?

Now, both a deal and damage have been done.? While Commissioner Roger Goodell ultimately did what he was paid to do by the men who wanted to pay the officials as little as possible, it?ll be interesting to see who, if anyone, catches the blame for believing that replacement officials wouldn?t create a complete and total clusterfudge that crossed over into mainstream news and late-night TV.

Unless the league office told the owners ?this will be a complete and total clusterfudge that crosses over into mainstream news and late-night TV? and the owners told the league office to proceed despite that warning, someone made a very bad assessment regarding the capability of third-tier-and-worse replacements, and that someone eventually could be pursuing other interests and/or spending more time with his or her family and/or taking a high-paying, big-title gig with one of the 32 teams.


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Peering to the edge of a black hole

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Using a continent-spanning telescope, an international team of astronomers has peered to the edge of a black hole at the center of a distant galaxy. For the first time, they have measured the black hole's "point of no return" -- the closest distance that matter can approach before being irretrievably pulled into the black hole.

A black hole is a region in space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Its boundary is known as the event horizon.

"Once objects fall through the event horizon, they're lost forever," says lead author Shep Doeleman, assistant director at the MIT Haystack Observatory and research associate at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "It's an exit door from our universe. You walk through that door, you're not coming back."

The team examined the black hole at the center of a giant elliptical galaxy called Messier 87 (M87), which is located about 50 million light-years from Earth. That black hole is 6 billion times more massive than the Sun. It's surrounded by an accretion disk of gas swirling toward the black hole's maw. Although the black hole is invisible, the accretion disk is hot enough to glow.

"Even though this black hole is far away, it's so big that its apparent size on the sky is about the same as the black hole at the center of the Milky Way," says co-author Jonathan Weintroub of the CfA. "That makes it an ideal target for study."

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a black hole's mass and spin determine how close material can orbit before becoming unstable and falling in toward the event horizon. The team was able to measure this innermost stable orbit and found that it's only 5.5 times the size of the black hole's event horizon. This size suggests that the accretion disk is spinning in the same direction as the black hole.

The observations were made by linking together radio telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona and California to create a virtual telescope called the Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT. The EHT is capable of seeing details 2,000 times finer than the Hubble Space Telescope.

The team plans to expand its telescope array, adding radio dishes in Chile, Europe, Mexico, Greenland, and the South Pole, in order to obtain even more detailed pictures of black holes in the future.

The work is being published in Science Express.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sheperd S. Doeleman, Vincent L. Fish, David E. Schenck, Christopher Beaudoin, Ray Blundell, Geoffrey C. Bower, Avery E. Broderick, Richard Chamberlin, Robert Freund, Per Friberg, Mark A. Gurwell, Paul T. P. Ho, Mareki Honma, Makoto Inoue, Thomas P. Krichbaum, James Lamb, Abraham Loeb, Colin Lonsdale, Daniel P. Marrone, James M. Moran, Tomoaki Oyama, Richard Plambeck, Rurik A. Primiani, Alan E. E. Rogers, Daniel L. Smythe, Jason SooHoo, Peter Strittmatter, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Jonathan Weintroub, Melvyn Wright, Ken H. Young, and Lucy Ziurys. Jet-Launching Structure Resolved Near the Supermassive Black Hole in M87. Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1126/science.1224768

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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However, the truth is that all of the other businesses online too have knowledge of this strategy, and so you will have to try out the Internet marketing strategies, which may help you get the extra edge over the other companies.

Filed Under: Freebies ? Internet

Tags: Freebie ? Internet ? Web Marketing


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The economy is in the basement, and the marketplace outlook is bleak. Times in America tend to be tough, and everyone is seeking an easy way to cut costs. Auto insurance can be an pricey monthly bill, and many people don?t realize they may be having to pay too much. Cheap car insurance quotes are all around on the web.

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Criticism of Romney's campaign grows; Six in 10 rate his efforts negatively

Public criticism of Mitt Romney's race for the White House has risen sharply, with six in 10 Americans expressing a negative opinion of how he's handling his campaign and a majority responding unfavorably to his comments on people who don't pay income taxes.

Sixty-one percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll hold an unfavorable view of how Romney's handling his presidential campaign, up by 12 percentage points since mid-July. Far fewer, 35 percent, rate Romney's performance positively, essentially unchanged.

See PDF with full results, charts and tables here.

Barack Obama's ratings for handling his campaign are substantially better, 54-43 percent, favorable-unfavorable. And while ratings of Romney's campaign have grown more negative, favorable ratings of Obama's campaign efforts have gained 8 points since July.

These ratings follow controversy last week about Romney's remark at a Florida fundraiser that 47 percent of Americans don't pay income taxes, see themselves as "victims" and lack personal responsibility. Fifty-four percent in this survey, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, see his "recent comments about people who don't pay income taxes" negatively; 32 percent respond favorably, with the rest unsure.

There's also an intensity problem for Romney: Americans disproportionately see his handling of his campaign "strongly" unfavorably rather than strongly favorably, 36 percent vs. 10 percent; it's a similar split on his comment on those who don't pay taxes. Strong sentiment on Obama's campaign, by contrast, is evenly balanced.

As damaging as Romney's remark may have been, it appears not to be solely responsible for Romney's weak grade on handling his campaign, since ratings of his campaign performance overall are 7 points more negative than are responses to that comment. Indeed, even among those who see the "47 percent" remark favorably, nearly three in 10 also respond negatively to Romney's handling of his campaign overall.

In a sign of particular trouble for Romney, negative views of his campaign have grown by 18 points since midsummer among independents, who often are swing voters. In July, 46 percent of independents rated Romney's handling of his campaign negatively; it's 64 percent today. Romney's positive score among independents, at 32 percent, far trails Obama's, 50 percent.

Even among Republicans, more than one in four rates Romney's efforts negatively - 27 percent. While essentially unchanged since July, that's substantially more than the share of Democrats who respond negatively to Obama's work on his campaign, 11 percent.

As well as among independents, negative views of Romney's handling of his campaign have grown especially sharply among adults under age 40 - up by 23 points since July, to 69 percent negative - and among women, with negative responses up by 18 points. And there's a large gap among income groups: a 16-point rise in negative ratings of Romney's campaign among people with household incomes less than $100,000 a year, vs. essentially no change among those with incomes of $100,000 or more.

Less than well-off adults also are more critical of Romney's "47 percent" comment, responding negatively rather than positively by 57-28 percent. Those with incomes of $100,000 or more, by contrast, divide evenly - they're 18 points more supportive of the remark.

Obama, for his part, gets especially positive grades for handling his campaign, 60 percent, from people with household incomes of $50,000 or less; that falls to less than half of those who are better off financially. Still his rating is 17 points better than Romney's even in the $50,000-$100,000 range; only among $100,000-plus earners does Romney's campaign rival Obama's.

Among other groups, Obama's campaign efforts are rated positively by majorities of women, adults younger than 40, moderates (as well as liberals) and (especially) nonwhites; those compare with even splits among men and among people 40 and older. Among whites, Obama's 45-51 percent rating, favorable-unfavorable, is not positive - but beats Romney's 39-56 percent.

While these results are among all adults, they're essentially identical among those who report being registered to vote: Negative on Romney's campaign by 61-36 percent; negative on his tax comment by 54-33 percent; and positive on Obama's campaign efforts by 53-45 percent.

METHODOLOGY - This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cell phone Sept. 19-23, 2012, among a random national sample of 1,012 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 4 points, including design effect. The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by SSRS/Social Science Research Solutions of Media, Pa.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mitt Romney Sidestepping Taxes With Family Trust Worth At Least ...

Apparently there is another way Mitt Romney is allegedly dodging his taxes.

Romney has set up a trust for his children and grandchildren that technically does not qualify as an inheritance, Bloomberg's Jesse Drucker reports. As a result, Romney has been able to legally sidestep estate and gift taxes. The top gift tax rate is 55 percent.

Romney has been criticized for allegedly sidestepping taxes in other ways. He holds investments abroad, including in the Cayman Islands, and a Swiss bank account -- where he does not need to pay U.S. taxes. Romney paid a 14 percent tax rate in 2010 and 2011. Middle-class households paid a 16 percent tax rate on average in 2010.

You can read the full Bloomberg News report here.

In this case, he has moved about $100 million into the family trust, which does not count toward his $250 million net worth, and it has grown in value with income from Romney's various investments, according to Bloomberg. It is unclear how much Romney has saved in gift and estate taxes.

Critics also have slammed Romney for refusing to release more than two tax returns -- from 2010 and 2011 -- which The Huffington Post's Mark Gongloff notes are not the interesting ones.

At the same time that Romney's being accused of dodging taxes, he's also been criticizing ordinary Americans for the way they pay their taxes. Romney said in a recently leaked video at a May fundraiser that 47 percent of Americans "pay no income tax," "will vote for the president no matter what," and "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it."

Though it is true that 46 percent of Americans pay no income taxes, they still pay many other taxes. The poorest fifth of Americans paid an effective tax rate of 17 percent last year, and they pay double the state and local tax rate of the top one percent.

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Assange: Obama exploiting Arab Spring in campaign

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused President Barack Obama on Thursday of seeking to exploit the Arab uprisings for personal political gain, as he addressed a sideline meeting of the U.N. General Assembly via videolink from his hideout at a London embassy.

The Australian activist has sheltered inside Ecuador's embassy in London ? beyond the reach of British police ? since June 19, when he sought refuge after he exhausted all legal routes to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning over sex crimes allegations.

Assange and his supporters claim that the Swedish sex case is part of a Washington-orchestrated plot to make him stand trial in the United States over his work with WikiLeaks, which has published thousands of secret U.S. diplomatic cables and other documents. Both Sweden and the U.S. reject that claim.

At a sideline meeting organized by Ecuador, the activist attempted to draw parallels between himself and the instigators of the Arab Spring ? claiming that they had all been let down by Obama.

"It must come as a surprise to Tunisians for Barack Obama to say the U.S. supported the forces of change in Tunisia," Assange said, speaking from Ecuador's tiny apartment-sized London mission.

He claimed that uprisings across the Arab world had been inspired, in part, by his organization's disclosures about despotic rulers, including Tunisia's deposed President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Assange claimed that Obama ? whose administration he accuses of building a criminal case against WikiLeaks and of harassing its staff ? was seeking to exploit the reforms of the Arab Spring during his reelection campaign.

"Mohamed Bouazizi did not set himself on fire so that Barack Obama could get reelected," Assange told the meeting, referring to the 2011 self-immolation by a Tunisian fruit vendor which sparked the uprising that toppled Ben Ali.

Assange, who made no reference to the Swedish sexual misconduct case as he addressed diplomats, also accused Britain and Sweden of failing to provide guarantees that he would not face extradition to the U.S. to help preserve close military and intelligence links with Washington.

Both European nations insist that Assange must be sent to Sweden under international and European law, and that they cannot legally offer any pledges to refuse a possible future U.S. extradition request.

Ecuador's President Rafael Correa has granted Assange asylum, but if he steps outside the country's London embassy he will be arrested by police who surround the building.

The case has left Britain, Ecuador and Sweden at a diplomatic impasse. Foreign ministers from Quito and London will meet Thursday in New York, as Assange marks 100 days holed up in the embassy.

Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino told the meeting that he believed there were "many ways to achieve a solution," without specifying potential routes. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Tuesday that he saw "no sign of any break through" in the saga.

Britain's foreign ministry said it was "committed to seeking a diplomatic solution" with Ecuador, but insisted that it was legally obliged to send Assange to Sweden.


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Book Review of Leapfrogging | Risk Management


When software developer Intuit debuted Quicken, it was intended to be used to manage home finances and balance personal checkbooks. The company was soon surprised to discover that small businesses were using it as well, despite the fact that the software was never designed to handle complex business accounting procedures. But rather than discourage these users or simply dismiss the trend, Intuit saw a market opportunity for small business accounting software and designed QuickBooks, which captured almost 70% of the market and became one of the company?s most profitable products.

The developers of, the online restaurant reservation website, encountered their own surprise while starting out. They thought restaurants would jump at the chance to fill their seats using an online tool, but they quickly learned that most restaurants didn?t even have internet access, let alone digital reservation systems needed to link to the service. Rather than abandoning the idea, however, OpenTable saw an opportunity and got into the hardware business. The company installed new, computerized reservation systems for its clients and, in some cases, even made sure that the restaurants were wired for the web. OpenTable became successful because it went from a simple online-booking system to a ?customer relationship and service enhancement tool.?

Businesses typically view surprises as something to be avoided. The feeling is that surprise creates uncertainty, which implies a lack of control and a possible threat to success. But as Soren Kaplan details in Leapfrogging, looking at surprise as a purely negative event cause business leaders to miss valuable opportunities. In fact, surprises can often result in business-altering breakthroughs. As a result, organizations need to change their way of thinking about uncertainty if they want to open themselves up to the widest range of possibilities for success and ?leapfrog? the competition.

For strategic risk managers accustomed to thinking about both the upside and the downside of risk, this should be a familiar refrain. Because often in the bleakest of circumstances lies the greatest opportunity.





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PFT: Belichick fined $50K for ref grab ? 'I apologize'

Minnesota Vikings v Detroit LionsGetty Images

In hindsight, I shouldn?t have complained about the Monday night debacle.

After all, I picked the Seahawks to win by a point and, thanks to the replacement officials, Seattle won by two.? Since MDS picked the Pack, it allowed me to win the weekly contest with MDS by two, 9-7 versus 7-9.

Given the crazy, upside-down games from Week Three, I?ll take a winning record and run with it ? as quickly as the Seahawks ran with their unwarranted win.

For the season, I?m now 27-21, and MDS is 26-22.

This week, we disagree on three games.? All 15 of our picks appear below.

Browns at Ravens

MDS?s take: Browns rookie quarterback Brandon Weeden has actually looked decent the last two weeks, after a disastrous Week One. But the Ravens? defense will bring far too much heat for Weeden to handle. I look for Haloti Ngata to pound Weeden into the turf a few times on Thursday night.

MDS?s pick: Ravens 27, Browns 6.

Florio?s take:? The Browns are another close loss or two away from imploding completely.? They won?t have to worry about another close loss on Thursday night.

Florio?s pick:? Ravens 31, Browns 13.

Panthers at Falcons

MDS?s take: I still don?t believe the Panthers are as bad as they?ve looked this season, and that by the end of the year they could be fighting for a playoff spot. But Atlanta is the wrong place for the Panthers to try to get back on track.

MDS?s pick: Falcons 23, Panthers 17.

Florio?s take:? The Falcons have beaten the Panthers four straight times, scoring 31 points exactly in each game.? Atlanta could be on track to clinching the division by Thanksgiving.

Florio?s pick:? Falcons 31, Panthers 14.

Patriots at Bills

MDS?s take: This is a fascinating game in the AFC East race, one that could establish the Bills as the favorites to win the division. I?ve been saying all year that the Bills have made the right moves to become playoff contenders this season, but I just think the Patriots, with their backs against the wall, are going to come out focused and ready to play their best game of the season.

MDS?s pick: Patriots 24, Bills 14.

Florio?s take:? The Bills have beaten the Pats only once since the last time the Pats had a losing record.? Buffalo is moving in the right direction, but New England needs this one badly.

Florio?s pick:? Patriots 30, Bills 23.

Vikings at Lions

MDS?s take: Another fascinating divisional game, as the Vikings have a real opportunity here to establish themselves as surprising contenders in the NFC North. However, I see far too many matchup advantages for the Lions? receivers against the Vikings? secondary.? Not just Calvin Johnson (who has a matchup advantage over every defensive back in the league) but also receivers Nate Burleson and Titus Young and tight end Brandon Pettigrew should be able to get open and get points on the board in Detroit.

MDS?s pick: Lions 28, Vikings 24.

Florio?s take:? The Lions have won three straight in the series, but the Vikings are gaining confidence,? The Lions continue to be more flawed than anyone realized.? Receiver Jerome Simpson returns from suspension in time to help the Vikings take advantage of Detroit?s biggest weakness.

Florio?s pick:? Vikings 24, Lions 16.

Titans at Texans

MDS?s take: The Texans are the best team in the AFC South by such a large margin that the question for me isn?t whether they?ll win the division but how quickly they?ll clinch. My guess is some time around Week 11. This win will be another step toward that.

MDS?s pick: Texans 34, Titans 10.

Florio?s take:? Yeah, I picked the Titans to win the division.? And if they upset the Texans on Sunday, the Titans will thrust themselves into the conversation.? And if they upset the Texans, it will mean that I picked this specific game incorrectly.? Despite last weekend?s epic in Nashville, the Titans aren?t nearly as good as I thought they?d be.? The Texans are much better than I thought they?d be.

Florio?s pick:? Texans 24, Titans 13.

Chargers at Chiefs

MDS?s take: The Chiefs looked pretty good against the Saints on Sunday, and the Chargers looked pretty bad against the Falcons on Sunday. But I?m expecting the Chargers to win, in a game that I have a hunch will come down to special teams, where the Chargers will make plays and the Chiefs will make mistakes.

MDS?s pick: Chargers 28, Chiefs 21.

Florio?s take:? One week often changes everything.? Last Sunday, the Chargers went from elite to ?meh? status, and the Chiefs showed they?ve got some fight.? Home team gets the edge in this one, especially if Jamaal Charles saved some yards for Sunday.

Florio?s pick:? Chiefs 24, Chargers 22.

49ers at Jets

MDS?s take: If not for the injury to Jets cornerback Darrelle Revis, I?d be very tempted to pick the 49ers to lose their second straight road game. But that Revis injury is devastating to the Jets not only because it radically changes what they can do on defense, but also because while seeing players and coaches on the Jets talking this week, you could practically feel the entire locker room deflating at the loss of their best player. I think the Jets are going to come out looking very bad on Sunday.

MDS?s pick: 49ers 27, Jets 14.

Florio?s take:? The difference between the 49ers defense and the Jets defense is that the 49ers didn?t put all their eggs in one island.

Florio?s pick:? 49ers 20, Jets 13.

Seahawks at Rams

MDS?s take: The Seahawks don?t have any time to send thank-you notes to the league office for their gift on Monday night, because they?ve got a road trip to St. Louis on a short work week. I like the way Jeff Fisher?s defense is playing, and I think Russell Wilson will feel a lot of pressure, but Seattle?s defensive line will have Sam Bradford under pressure, and the Seahawks will win a low-scoring game.

MDS?s pick: Seahawks 10, Rams 9.

Florio?s take:? Short week, significant travel, improving opponent, and guilty conscience add up to trouble for the Seahawks in St. Louis.

Florio?s pick:? Rams 14, Seahawks 12.

Dolphins at Cardinals

MDS?s take: It?s taken me a while to learn to believe in the Cardinals, but I?m there now. Which probably means they?re going to lose. But I?m picking them anyway.

MDS?s pick: Cardinals 24, Dolphins 7.

Florio?s take:? This has the potential to be one of those early-season ?correction? games.? But how can the Dolphins win if they can?t score any offensive touchdowns against once of the best defenses in the league?

Florio?s pick:? Cardinals 17, Dolphins 6.

Bengals at Jaguars

MDS?s take: I loved the game Bengals offensive coordinator Jay Gruden called on Sunday against the Redskins. Look for Bengals receiver A.J. Green to have another big day against the Jaguars.

MDS?s pick: Bengals 28, Jaguars 24.

Florio?s take:? It would be fitting for the Bengals, a week after finally winning a game they were supposed to lose, to lose a game they?re supposed to win.? But the Bengals are better than the Jaguars on both sides of the ball ? and the Jaguars will have a hard time keeping up with a suddenly dynamic and diverse offense.

Florio?s pick:? Bengals 24, Jaguars 14.

Raiders at Broncos

MDS?s take: It says something about what we?ve come to expect from Peyton Manning that he had 330 yards, two touchdowns and no turnovers on Sunday against a very good Texans defense, and yet everyone is talking about how he?s just not the same. Playing a weak Raiders defense will result in Manning looking a lot better, and the Broncos improving to 2-2.

MDS?s pick: Broncos 35, Raiders 14.

Florio?s take:? Peyton Manning won?t need much arm strength to move the ball against a defense that can?t do much to stop him.? Or anyone.

Florio?s pick:? Broncos 27, Raiders 17.

Saints at Packers

MDS?s take: Raise your hand if you predicted these two teams would be a combined 1-5 heading into this game. I see the Packers? problems as much more correctable than the Saints? problems, and I see Aaron Rodgers having a big day against a shaky Saints defense.

MDS?s pick: Packers 27, Saints 17.

Florio?s take:? The Saints can thank the Seahawks and the replacement officials for what they?re about to endure.

Florio?s pick:? Packers 45, Saints 17.

Redskins at Buccaneers

MDS?s take: The Bucs have a bad offense and a good defense; the Redskins have a good offense and a bad defense. I like Tampa Bay?s defense to keep it close and the Redskins? defense to give up a big play at the wrong time.

MDS?s pick: Buccaneers 14, Redskins 10.

Florio?s take:? That win over the Saints in New Orleans is looking less impressive by the week.? And the Bucs are better than their record would suggest.

Florio?s pick:? Buccaneers 20, Redskins 16.

Giants at Eagles

MDS?s take: The Eagles need to bounce back in a big way after laying an egg against the Cardinals. I think they?re going to, with Michael Vick finally making it through a game without a turnover.

MDS?s pick: Eagles 24, Giants 21.

Florio?s take:? Eagles coach Andy Reid does his best work when his back is against the wall.? And his back is already against the wall.? And he said just enough this week to put his quarterback?s back against the wall, too.

Florio?s pick:? Eagles 27, Giants 24.

Bears at Cowboys

MDS?s take: As impressive as the Bears? defense has been, I think they?ll struggle with the explosiveness of Cowboys running back DeMarco Murray, who should have a huge game in a Dallas win.

MDS?s pick: Cowboys 34, Bears 20.

Florio?s take:? If the Cowboys can keep Tony Romo in two or fewer pieces (factoring in the possibility of the partial loss of an ear), the Cowboys should win this one.

Florio?s pick:? Cowboys 26, Bears 17.


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Photos: The AK-47 assault rifle ... as art

The exhibition, 'AKA Peace,' in collaboration with non-profit organization Peace One Day, showcases artists reinterpretation of AK-47 assault rifles, reacting against the horror of violence globally and recasting a weapon of devastation as a conduit to peace. Currently on display at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, the art installations are to be auctioned after the exhibition on Oct. 4 to raise funds for Peace One Day.


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Language use is simpler than previously thought, study suggests

ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2012) ? For more than 50 years, language scientists have assumed that sentence structure is fundamentally hierarchical, made up of small parts in turn made of smaller parts, like Russian nesting dolls.

A new Cornell study suggests language use is simpler than they had thought.

Co-author Morten Christiansen, Cornell professor of psychology and co-director of the Cornell Cognitive Science Program, and his colleagues say that language is actually based on simpler sequential structures, like clusters of beads on a string.

"What we're suggesting is that the language system deals with words by grouping them into little clumps that are then associated with meaning," he said.

Sentences are made up of such word clumps, or "constructions," that are understood when arranged in a particular order. For example, the word sequence "bread and butter" might be represented as a construction, whereas the reverse sequence of words ("butter and bread") would likely not.

The sequence concept has simplicity on its side; language is naturally sequential, given the temporal cues that help us understand and be understood as we use language. Moreover, the hierarchy concept doesn't take into account the many other cues that help convey meaning, such as the setting and knowing what was said before and the speaker's intention.

The researchers drew on evidence in language-related fields from psycholinguistics to cognitive neuroscience. For example, research in evolutionary biology indicates that humans acquired language (and animals did not) because we have evolved abilities in a number of areas, such as being able to correctly guess others' intentions and learn a large number of sounds that we then relate to meaning to create words. In contrast, the hierarchy concept suggests humans have language thanks only to highly specialized "hardware" in the brain, which neuroscientists have yet to find.

Research in cognitive neuroscience shows that the same set of brain regions seem to be involved in both sequential learning and language, suggesting that language is processed sequentially. And several recent psycholinguistic studies have shown that how well adults and children perform on a sequence learning task strongly predicts how well they can process the deluge of words that come at us in rapid succession when we're listening to someone speak. "The better you are at dealing with sequences, the easier it is for you to comprehend language," Christiansen said.

The study by Christiansen and his colleagues has important implications for several language-related fields. From an evolutionary perspective, it could help close what has been seen as a large gap between the communications systems of humans and other nonhuman primates. "This research allows us a better understanding of our place in nature, in that we can tie our language ability, our communication abilities, more closely to what we can see in other species. It could have a big impact in terms of allowing us to think in more humble terms about the origin of language in humans," Christiansen said.

The research could also affect natural language processing, the area of computer science that deals with human language, by encouraging scholars to focus on sequential structure when trying to create humanlike speech and other types of language processing, Christiansen said. He pointed out that machines already successfully perform such tasks as translation and speech recognition thanks to algorithms based on sequential structures.

The study, "How hierarchical is language use?" was published Sept. 12 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. The research was funded by the European Union, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and the Binational Science Foundation.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. The original article was written by Susan Kelley.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. S. L. Frank, R. Bod, M. H. Christiansen. How hierarchical is language use? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1741

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Agriculture is the direct driver for worldwide deforestation

ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2012) ? A new synthesis on drivers of deforestation and forest degradation was published during the Bangkok climate change negotiations in September by researchers from Canada and from Wageningen University, Netherlands. The report stresses the importance of knowing what drives deforestation and forest degradation, in order to be able to design and monitor effective REDD+ policies to halt it.

Agriculture is estimated to be the direct driver for around 80% of deforestation worldwide. In Latin America, commercial agriculture is the main direct driver, responsible for 2/3 of all cut forests, while in Africa and tropical Asia commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture both account for one third of deforestation. Mining, infrastructure and urban expansion are important but less prominent drivers worldwide. It is concluded that economic growth based on the export of primary commodities and an increasing demand for timber and agricultural products in a globalizing economy are critical indirect drivers.

Degradation of forest means a decrease in quality of forest, and is in over 70% of cases caused by (commercial) timber extraction and logging activities in Latin America and tropical and sub-tropical Asia. In Africa, fuel wood collection, charcoal production, and, to a lesser extent, livestock grazing in forests are the most important drivers of degradation.

The synthesis report 'Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation' sums up currently available knowledge from the literature on drivers, worldwide and by country, and gives recommendations to policymakers involved in the on-going international climate negotiations, as well as country-level plans and interventions. The viability of REDD+ depends on altering business-as-usual activity in sectors currently driving greenhouse gas emissions from forests, it is concluded. The report distinguishes between direct drivers, that directly cause deforestation and forest degradation, and indirect drivers, forces at the background such as changing market prices, population growth or policies and governance.

The report concludes it is important for forested tropical countries to regularly assess and monitor drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, in order to be able to design effective REDD+ policies. The types of drivers have great influence on the forest carbon impacts and the choice of data sources and methods used to measure them. Also, understanding forest change patterns and underlying causes are important for developing forest reference (emission) levels, necessary for REDD+ implementation.

Countries largely define REDD+ strategies and interventions to deal with national and local scale drivers, but face problems addressing international drivers and acknowledge that international pressure will increase. The report offers solutions for how countries can decouple economic growth from deforestation, investigating the range of options countries have to address drivers at various scales.

The report, was supported by the UK and Norwegian governments, is available at

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Wageningen University and Research Centre, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Buyout owners mull listing travel group OdigeO: sources

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