Friday, May 31, 2013

Stay 4Warned: Get free News Channel 4 weather apps |

Posted on: 2:26 pm, May 30, 2013, by Ted Malave, updated on: 03:56pm, May 30, 2013

Chopper4 Wall Cloud May 30th

go4it for iPhone and iPad??
KFOR?s exclusive app for the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad provides information
on Oklahoma news, weather, sports, movies, classifieds, gas prices and
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go4it for Android ?
KFOR?s exclusive app for Android smartphones and tablets provides
information on Oklahoma news, weather, sports, movies, classifieds, gas
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above. ?Includes live video streaming of all KFOR-TV newscasts! Click the icon to the right or search for ?go4it? in the Google Play Store to download.

4WarnMe for iPhone ?
KFOR?s exclusive 4WarnMe iPhone app provides live streaming audio and
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in the Apple App Store to download. Compatible with any iPhone or iPod Touch
with iOS 4.3+; will work on iPad also, but this app is not optimized for iPad
screens so it may appear slightly grainy.

4WarnMe for Android ?
KFOR?s exclusive 4WarnMe Android app provides live streaming audio and
video broadcasts when severe weather and tornadoes happen ? and we?ll
notify you to open the app instantly direct from our 4Warn studios. Click the icon to the right or search for ?4WarnMe? in the Google Play Store to download.
Compatible with most Android OS 2.3+ devices, but not all.

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Provides real-time weather forecast conditions with hyper-accurate
real-time radar conditions that are zoomable to street level anywhere in
Oklahoma on any iPhone or iPod Touch with iOS 3.0 or above.??Click the icon to the right or search for ?go4warn? in the Apple App Store to download.
Sponsored by
Salazar Roofing.

go4warn HD for iPad ?
Provides real-time weather forecast conditions with hyper-accurate
real-time radar conditions that are zoomable to street level anywhere in
Oklahoma on any iPad with iOS 4.0 or above.??Click the icon to the right or search for ?go4warn? in the Apple App Store to download.

Sponsored by
Salazar Roofing.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sony Xperia Tablet Z review: the company's best Android tablet yet

Sony Xperia Tablet Z review: Sony releases its best Android tablet yet

It wasn't all that long ago that every month offered up yet another Android tablet for review. While Samsung is still producing plenty, the output of Google-powered slabs has generally slowed, replaced by a steady stream of Windows 8 / RT hardware often from the very same manufacturers that were once all about Android. Sony continues to be pretty discriminating with its launches, however: until now it's released only three Google-powered tablets. The first was the Tablet S, followed by the clamshell Tablet P and the Xperia Tablet S, which improved on the original with a thinner build and improved specifications.

Then there's this, the Xperia Tablet Z. It arrives with a completely new design, although it should be familiar to anyone who's already seen Sony's Xperia Z smartphone. It features the same "OmniBalance" look, uniform thickness and straight edges. The display's resolution has been bumped up to 1,900 x 1,200, while the tablet runs Android 4.1.2 on a quad-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro, with 2GB and 16GB of built-in storage -- all the while weighing in below 18 ounces (1.13 pounds). Like the Sony Xperia Z smartphone, there's also water and dust protection, which makes it a relatively unique property in the tablet market. But priced at $499 and up against the iPad and the pin-sharp Nexus 10, is there enough here to protect itself against the tablet competition? Join us after the break to find out.

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Grumpy Cat Movie: Actually in the Works!


91% Gimme The Loot

All Critics (57) | Top Critics (23) | Fresh (52) | Rotten (5)

'Gimme the Loot' is ... meandering and a little shallow. And even at 79 minutes it feels a little too long for what's essentially the film equivalent of a short story.

A thousand-watt jolt of mischief, a spunky, funky, ebullient indie that packs its 81 minutes with cinematic exhilaration.

It may be a slight movie, but it has its sunny charms.

A movie about teenage taggers in the Bronx should be fast and raw, scruffy and loose, and Adam Leon's Gimme the Loot is just that.

As it lopes along, the movie offers a warm but very sharp portrait of New York's have-nots and their uneasy relationship with the haves.

"Gimme the Loot" shouldn't be as appealing and exuberant as it is, it really shouldn't.

First-time feature director Adam Leon's shots are precise and full of detail.

The film's strong suit is its use of locations.

The film is episodic and determinedly offbeat, funny at its best, boring at its worst.

Shot on the streets of New York in a loose, freeform style, this lively comedy-drama feels somewhat underdeveloped, leaving us doubtful about its realism.

It's a great deal of fun, emotionally touching, and even surprisingly old-fashioned.

Some of the movie doesn't exactly convince, and some of the scenes have an actors-improv feel to them, but there's always plenty of humour and energy.

Endlessly entertaining, refreshingly light-hearted and bursting with summer soul, Gimme The Loot joins the pantheon of great New York movies.

It's a shaggy dog story with a certain amount of charm but not nearly enough drama.

The movie is unpolished, and it matters not a jot, because Leon has written super roles for these kids and invests their relationship with such sly feeling.

Hickson walks the line between bravado and vulnerability, while Washington has a charisma, spark and beauty that should ensure this won't be the last we see of her.

Bolstered by a low-key but assured aesthetic and a soundtrack of vintage soul and doo-wop, the film is infectiously enjoyable, with frequently amusing insights and an affable shagginess.

Out of nowhere, Adam Leon might just have delivered the first great New York film of the decade.

Charming and engaging low-budget indie with a witty script, likeable characters, a strong sense of time and place and a pair of terrific performances from its two young leads.

Funny and freewheeling, it's a joy.

A slim, low-budget coming-of-age tale whose richness lies entirely in its interstices. A keenly observed work that celebrates the unfettered joys of youth, and rewards by reminding of the power of a simple tale told well.

Simultaneously real and hopeful, "Loot" has almost no plot, but when the setting is so fresh and the characters feel so raw and alive, who needs one?

Ghetto laughs with a sophisticated point of view.

No quotes approved yet for Gimme The Loot. Logged in users can submit quotes.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Alcatel's One Touch Idol now available in the US for $300 unlocked

Alcatel announced today that its One Touch Idol smartphone is now available for the US market, but without a carrier. Weighing in at only 110 grams, the supposed "world's lightest" handset will be sold unlocked for $300 via the company's website. Meant as an entry-level device, the specs betray its low-end status: you get a 4.7-inch qHD (960 x 540) IPS display, 512MB RAM, 4GB internal storage, an 8-megapixel camera and a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU with Android 4.1 in tow. Still, its quad-band GSM and 900 / 2100 MHz HSPA bands mean it'll work with either AT&T or T-Mobile, which should be good news to those who want carrier flexibility. If that sounds like a bargain to you, head on over to the source below to snag one for yourself.

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Source: Alcatel


Gunmen kill soldiers on Lebanese military checkpoint near Syrian border: report

Gunmen fired on a Lebanese government checkpoint near the Syrian border on Tuesday, killing three soldiers, the state-run National News Agency said. The attack comes amid escalating tensions in Lebanon linked to Syria?s conflict, in which rival Lebanese groups have taken sides.

The fighting in the volatile Lebanon-Syria border region also comes just hours after the European Union decided not to extend an arms embargo on Syria, enabling member states to send weapons to help Syria?s outgunned rebels and step up the pressure on the government of President Bashar Assad to seek a negotiated settlement to the 26-month-old conflict.

More Related to this Story

Lebanon?s official news service said the pre-dawn shooting was at a roadblock near the predominantly Sunni town of Arsal, in hills about 12 kilometres (seven miles) from the border. The army said in a statement it?s investigating the attack and its troops have launched a massive search for the gunmen.

The Lebanese are divided over Syria?s civil war, with Shiite militant group Hezbollah fighting alongside Assad?s troops while large numbers of Sunnis back the opposition. Clashes between factions backing the opposing sides in the Syrian conflict have been raging in Lebanon?s northern city of Tripoli for days, raising fears that the Syrian violence spilling over into Lebanon will re-ignite the sectarian war that devastated the country before it ended in 1990.

In Brussels, EU member states decided late Monday to allow an arms embargo on Syria expire on Saturday. While none of the block?s 27 members have any immediate plans to send arms to the rebels, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the decision ?sends a very strong message from Europe to the Assad regime.?

The move is aimed at forcing Damascus to participate in good faith at the prospective ?Geneva II? talks next month. The meeting is part of a joint U.S.-Russia initiative.

Hague spoke after an all-day meeting of foreign ministers Monday that laid bare EU hesitation on feeding arms into a civil war that has spread to neighbouring countries and threatens to become a regional war if the opposing sides ? Assad?s regime and the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition ? remain unwilling to compromise.

Also on Monday, Sen. John McCain, a proponent of arming Syrian rebels and a fierce critic of Obama administration policy in Syria, crossed into Syrian territory on Monday to meet with anti-government fighters.

Washington and many of its European allies have been reluctant to provide rebels with more sophisticated weapons for fear they might end up in the hands of the radical Islamic factions, including the al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, a group that has been the most effective fighting force on the opposition side.

Syrian crisis began in March 2011 as peaceful protests against Assad, whose family has ruled the country for more than 40 years. The uprising turned into a civil war after some opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown on dissent.

More than 70,000 people have been killed and more than five million Syrians fled their homes, seeking shelter in neighbouring countries or in other parts of Syria.

More Related to this Story


How to Take Control of Your Business and Life | DemGen Inc ...

Building your perfect business may be challenging and at the onset, chaotic. Being in control of so many things and at the same time, your thoughts about where you are headed is a lot easier when you keep in mind several necessary things that will help you stay focused and on track.

?take control of your business and life

Get busy and relax. While the two may not sound like they belong together, what works for one person doesn?t necessarily work for another. Concentrating fully on one task in particular, completing it and getting it out of your way keeps business worries at bay. At the same time, if you tend to be the type that gets anxious and/or nervous, if demands have you stressed to the point where you can?t concentrate, relaxation is probably the best choice. Give yourself a holiday, even if only for one day.

Don?t pay attention to the opinions of others. Always think about where the opinion came from. Most business owners know when they are doing their best. Listen to others who have experience in your field but don?t feel you have to take into consideration the comments of those who probably have no idea what is in your best interest. Seek knowledge from those who have it and learn to navigate around any pitfalls that could arise from the negative messages of others.

Be original. Though imitation is a form of flattery, when it?s your business that?s involved, being different and being the best at what you?re doing it more important. Take some time to discover which options are available to you that can make your product or service stand out from the rest. The most famous businesses didn?t become that way by being carbon copies of all of the others that were out there. Being afraid to take big steps in your business is normal. If there?s something you?re not sure of or don?t have knowledge of, consider outsourcing certain tasks to a virtual team with experience.

Scrap the small stuff. Business owners tend to worry away at the smallest things that in the long run will have absolutely no effect on their business. If you are one of these, take a note of what is it that is bothering you and put it away until later. You aren?t looking for perfection, you are looking at the big picture and what will work best for both you and your customers. In the same vein, if it has already happened, then it?s over. Once again, take a note and if you have made a mistake, ensure that it doesn?t happen again. Sometimes you just have to be able to let things go.

Don?t limit yourself. Most of the time when we think we can?t do something, it isn?t that we can?t do it, it?s more likely that we just can?t believe we could ever climb that high. Putting boundaries on your business will slow your growth and keep you from expanding. Listen to that inner voice that tells you what you really can accomplish.

An important part of managing any business means keeping in mind that knowledge means power. A business owner who is not learning about new technology or business practises becomes stagnant. But more importantly, it means learning about yourself and the way you think. Learning to trust yourself is the most important step you need to take, ahead of all of the others.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.? -Ralph Waldo Emerson


? Chris Draper, DemGen Inc 2013

Image courtesy of








Bill would require more online retailers to collect sales tax - LA Daily ...

California consumers soon could be paying more for the products they buy online if a proposed federal law is approved.

Californians already pay sales tax on merchandise purchased from Internet companies that have a presence in the state, such as a warehouse, store or office. But the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 would expand that to include businesses that don't have operations in the Golden State.

Internet retailers have long held an advantage over their brick-and-mortar competitors. Startup costs and costs associated with advertising and overhead are significantly lower for Internet businesses. And when the absence of sales tax is figured in, it equates to significantly lower prices for consumers.

The Marketplace Fairness Act would grant states the authority to compel online and catalog retailers - no matter where they are located - to collect sales tax at the time of a transaction, just as local retailers are required to do.

The sales tax revenue would then be funneled back to the cash-strapped states where the shoppers live.

"Ultimately, this makes sense," said Christopher Thornberg, a founding partner with Beacon Economics in Los Angeles. "What's outrageous is the fact that these Internet companies haven't had to collect the same sales tax that the brick-and-mortar stores do. These guys have had a huge advantage because there's no physical infrastructure. So they don't have to deal

with that " and on top of that they don't have to charge sales tax?"

The Senate voted earlier this month to approve the bill but it still needs to pass the Republican-controlled House to become law. Major online retailers, including eBay and, oppose the measure, but brick-and-mortar chains like Best Buy are firmly behind it.

The measure does include a couple of caveats. Sellers that make $1 million or less in annual sales and have no physical presence in California would be exempt from the requirement. States would also have to simplify their sales tax laws and make sales tax collection easier before they could require sellers to collect the tax.

One thing is certain: Passage of the legislation would radically alter the retail landscape.

Christian Zayas, general manager for Sam Ash Music in Torrance, said it's tough to compete with Internet retailers.

"For years we've had to match the prices of online companies, and we've done that by cutting our profit by what the sales tax would have been," Zayas said. "This would be good for us but bad for the online places."

And ultimately, more costly for consumers.

Online retailer eBay recently listed a new, 64-inch Samsung HD/3D Plasma TV for $2,050 with free shipping. With Los Angeles County's 9 percent sales tax figured in, that same TV would sell for $2,234.50. San Bernardino County's 8 percent sales tax would likewise boost the price to $2,214.

"I just bought a TV from the Best Buy store in Duarte, and I wanted to buy it here so the sales tax revenue would stay here," said Sheryl Lefmann, who lives in Duarte and operates a leadership training business. "But that being said, price is important. I always look for the best deal. If I found a deal where I could save a lot of money I might be persuaded to buy it from out of state."

A customer checks out televisions at Best Buy in West Covina on Thursday, May 16, 2013. California consumers could soon be paying more for the products they buy online if a proposed federal law gains congressional approval. (Watchara Phomicinda/Staff Photographer)

Jamey Wheeler, who co-owns the Fatal Impact clothing store on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks, said his mom-and-pop business has grappled with Internet competition for years.

"Last week a lady came into the store with a printout from eBay that had something we sell in our store," he said. "She said, 'Can you meet this price?' "We told her it was on sale and that it would be close but we'd still have to charge the sales tax. So she said she'd just buy it on eBay from this person in Illinois without paying any sales tax."

Wheeler said some shoppers have come to his store for the sole purpose of comparing prices with online sellers.

"This is common," he said. "We finally had to take the bar codes off our merchandise because otherwise they'd just come in and scan things on their cell phones. Then they figure out where they can get it cheaper. It's called showrooming."

Matthew Shay, president and CEO of the National Retail Federation, said the Marketplace Fairness Act would level the playing field.

"This is fundamentally about fairness and the need for government to end its discriminatory sales tax policy that disadvantages local, community-based retailers in favor of remote and online sellers," Shay said in a statement. "While local, community-based stores and shops compete for customers on many levels, including service and selection, they cannot compete on sales tax."

Best Buy voiced its support for the bill in a statement on the company's website.

"This legislation does not represent a new tax, rather it simply helps to ensure fair competition that ultimately benefits consumers and our communities," the statement said. "The current laws were put in place before the Internet or e-commerce even existed. Just as retail has evolved over the years, the tax code needs to evolve to reflect modern patterns in how consumers shop not by creating a new tax but by enforcing the laws already on the books.", an online discount retailer based in Salt Lake City, opposes the bill.

"A year ago the Supreme Court ruled that if a company didn't have a physical presence in a state and didn't use the services of the state they should not be forced to become a tax collector for that state," said Jonathan Johnson, executive vice chairman of the company's board of directors.

Johnson also said it would be a herculean task for Internet retailers to thread their way through the nation's various tax codes - simplified or not.

"There are over 9,600 taxing jurisdictions in the U.S., with states, counties, cities and burgs," he said. "And if states have conflicting laws in this area, state law preempts federal law. So that means if a state chooses to ignore all of these simplification provisions they can pass laws that would make it more difficult for remote sellers to collect."

Johnson also discounted the notion that Internet sellers have all the advantages.

"I disagree with that," he said. "Every business model has certain advantages and disadvantages. We have to pay shipping ... and people can't try on our clothes."

Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association, said the current laws are fair.

"Purchasing products online is a viable option for consumers," Coupal said. "The argument is that these out-of-state companies are not paying taxes. But let's say there's a small firm in Vermont that makes specialty rope for cliff climbers. They have no impact on the schools and public safety or the roads in California, but when their products are shipped, UPS and FedEx pay taxes to California."

The theory behind trying to tax online companies, he said, is taxation without representation.

"We haven't taken an official position on this, but it seems to be a transparent money grab," Coupal said.

Michael Carney, an economist at Cal Poly Pomona, figures the Marketplace Fairness Act will prompt many shoppers to pull back on their spending.

"Any time you increase costs to consumers you will have a decline in spending," he said. "There will be less online buying. But how much less, I really don't know."


Wall Street rally underpins Asian shares

By Chikako Mogi

TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares were steady and the dollar remained firm on Wednesday as U.S. stocks rallied to record highs overnight on signs of resilience in the U.S. economy and expectations of continued monetary policy support.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> hit another record high on Tuesday as data showed U.S. home prices accelerated by the most in nearly seven years in March while consumer confidence picked up in May to its highest in more than five years.

The stock rally lifted benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury yield to a 13-month peak around 2.17 percent. A strong rebound in Japanese stocks after last week's hammering also fed to speculation about reduced incentives to hold safe-haven U.S. government debt.

"The bullish tone at the start of the week would seem to indicate that investors are not yet convinced that evidence surrounding the economy is firm enough to corner the Fed chairman and force him into leading a retreat from the current pace of bond purchases," Andrew Wilkinson, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak & Co in New York, said in a note to clients.

The rally seems to be "little other than a sense that last week's setback for U.S. and then Japanese stocks was justifiable in the big scheme of things. Pullbacks occur," he said, adding that for now, investors seem to still want to test recent highs.

MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan <.miapj0000pus> was steady, staying above Friday's five-week low of 464.99.

Australian shares <.axjo> were up 0.2 percent while South Korean shares <.ks11> opened 0.4 percent higher.

"The main board is likely to start up as overseas markets rallied on the previous day. However, autos could weigh due to the weak yen and cap gains later in the session," said Shawn Oh, an analyst at Daishin Securities, of Seoul shares.

The dollar inched up 0.1 percent against the yen to 102.48, recovering from a two-week low of 100.66 yen hit on Friday. The dollar scaled a 4-1/2 year peak of 103.74 yen on May 22.

The dollar index <.dxy> measured against a basket of six key currencies was up 0.3 percent to hover near its highest since July 2010 of 84.498 reached on May 23.

The Nikkei stock average <.n225> opened up 1.3 percent after closing up 1.2 percent the day before. <.t/>

"The Nikkei is in oversold territory, so buying should emerge," said Hiroichi Nishi, equity general manager at SMBC Nikko Securities. "Exporter shares will be in focus again as the yen resumes weakening, but we have to watch interest-rate related issues."

The Nikkei slumped 7.3 percent on Thursday, its largest single-day loss since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, as global financial markets were shaken by weak industrial production in China and concerns the U.S. Federal Reserve could scale back its current aggressive monetary stimulus sooner than previously thought. <.t/>

Speculation about the Fed's policy has weighed on the Australian dollar, which has skidded nearly 8 percent in May, the largest monthly drop since September 2011. The Aussie plumbed its lowest in 19 months on Wednesday after key support around $0.9581 finally gave way.

U.S. crude futures were off 0.3 percent at $94.74 a barrel.

U.S. home prices:

U.S. consumer confidence:

(Additional reporting by Dominic Lau and Lisa Twaronite in Tokyo and Joyce Lee and Daum Kim in Seoul)


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hopes at June 20 event

Samsung may be winning over almost everyone with their new flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone, but some consumers are already anticipating bigger and better things with the inevitable unveiling of the elusive Samsung Galaxy Note 3. While a release may still be some time away, Samsung has just confirmed an upcoming Galaxy themed event in London on June 20.

Samsung are officially calling their event, the Samsung Premiere 2013. Press invites are already going out, in preparation for a meeting at London?s Earl?s Court on June 20, at 7pm UK time. The company has added that Galaxy-based devices will be the focus, and also the new ATIV brand as well ? which could be a big clue on a rugged Galaxy S4 that is on the way.

While we believe that we may see some new Galaxy-based tablets announced at the event, there?s no denying that the main highlight and speculation will be on whether it could be the moment the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is announced to the world. The successor to the successful Note 2 is thought to be coming with some hardware specs that lineup with the International version of the Galaxy S4.

One of these is going to be the eight-core Octa 5 Exynos processor. We know this, as the Galaxy Note 3 has seemingly already been spotted in some recent AnTuTu benchmark screenshots. These images in question show a device with a model number of GT-N7200, Android 4.3 as its OS and a clock speed of 1.6Ghz ? which is also the same clock speed for the Exynos 5 Octa processor found inside the International Galaxy S4.

Having said that, some of you may be thinking that it is far too early to be even contemplating a Galaxy Note 3 announcement already, with the Galaxy S4 having only just launched in the US. We can always hope though, as Samsung has been known to surprise in the past.

Are you ready to see the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 yet or not?

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Finally, A Wrinkle Reducer That Is Also The Embodiment Of Evil

Finally, A Wrinkle Reducer That Is Also The Embodiment Of Evil

Our superficial, beauty-obsessed culture is pretty scary. People starve themselves or have serious surgeries so they can look a certain way. But for better or worse (definitely worse) we're all pretty used to hearing about those beauty interventions. Which is why it's unusual to see a new wrinkle-reducer and immediately want to shit your pants or run away. Or both. But behold.

The Facewaver Exercise Mask uses stretching and tightening action for "kneading out wrinkles, lines and sag." The site recommends you use it for five minutes a day to get younger-looking skin. The problem is that during those five minutes you will send anyone you encounter into cardiac arrest as a result of their general shock and terror. Or you yourself will be killed because people will assume that you are a zombie. And frankly, if you choose to wear this they won't be totally wrong.

Some products from the Japan Trend Shop can be very soothing, but this just isn't one of them. It's scary enough to see someone wearing one of those green face masks before bed or even just using a Shake Weight. When will the madness end? [Japan Trend Shop]

Finally, A Wrinkle Reducer That Is Also The Embodiment Of Evil


Monday, May 27, 2013

Suu Kyi slams 2-child limit for Muslims in Myanmar

In this photo taken on Oct. 28, 2012, Muslims refugee children wave their hands while taking photos at their refugee camp in Sittwe, Rakhine State, western Myanmar.Authorities in Myanmar's western Rakhine state have imposed a two-child limit for Muslim Rohingya families, a policy that does not apply to Buddhists in the area and comes amid accusations of ethnic cleansing in the aftermath of sectarian violence. (AP Photo/Khin Maung Win)

In this photo taken on Oct. 28, 2012, Muslims refugee children wave their hands while taking photos at their refugee camp in Sittwe, Rakhine State, western Myanmar.Authorities in Myanmar's western Rakhine state have imposed a two-child limit for Muslim Rohingya families, a policy that does not apply to Buddhists in the area and comes amid accusations of ethnic cleansing in the aftermath of sectarian violence. (AP Photo/Khin Maung Win)

Myanmar Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi, center, talks to journalists as she attends Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting of her National League for Democracy party at a restaurant in Yangon, Myanmar, Monday, May 27, 2013. Suu Kyi, rights groups and Islamic leaders expressed dismay over plans by authorities in western Myanmar to revive a two-child limit on Muslim Rohingya families. (AP Photo/Khin Maung Win)

Myanmar Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi speaks during Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting of her National League for Democracy party at a restaurant in Yangon, Myanmar, Monday, May 27, 2013. Suu Kyi, rights groups and Islamic leaders have expressed dismay over plans by authorities in western Myanmar to revive a two-child limit on Muslim Rohingya families. (AP Photo/Khin Maung Win)

(AP) ? Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and Islamic leaders expressed dismay over decisions by authorities in western Myanmar to restore a two-child limit on Muslim Rohingya families, a policy that does not apply to Buddhists and follows accusations of ethnic cleansing.

Some Buddhists, however, welcomed the plan for addressing their fear of a Muslim population explosion.

Authorities in strife-torn Rakhine state said this past weekend that they were restoring a measure imposed during past military rule that banned Rohingya families from having more than two children. Details about the policy and how it will be enforced have not been released, sparking calls for clarity and concerns of more discrimination against a group the U.N. calls one of the world's most persecuted people.

"If true, this is against the law," said Suu Kyi, the opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Suu Kyi has faced criticism for failing to defend the Rohingya following two waves of deadly sectarian violence last year. She told reporters Monday that she had not heard details of the latest measure but, if it exists, "It is discriminatory and also violates human rights."

The policy applies to two Rakhine townships that border Bangladesh and have the highest Muslim populations in the state. The townships, Buthidaung and Maungdaw, are about 95 percent Muslim. Nationwide, Muslims account for only about 4 percent of Myanmar's roughly 60 million people.

The order makes Myanmar perhaps the only country in the world to level such a restriction against a particular religious group, and is likely to bring further criticism that Muslims are being discriminated against in the Buddhist-majority country. The central government has not made any statement about the two-child policy since Rakhine state authorities quietly enacted the measure a week ago. Calls seeking comment from government spokesmen have not been returned.

Longstanding antipathy toward the Rohingya erupted last year into mob violence in which Rakhine Buddhists armed with machetes razed thousands of Muslim homes, leaving hundreds of people dead and forcing 125,000 to flee, mostly Muslims. The New York-based group Human Rights Watch has accused the government and security forces in Rakhine of fomenting an organized campaign of "ethnic cleansing" against the Rohingya, who are regarded as aliens.

Since the violence, the religious unrest has expanded into a campaign against Muslim communities in other areas, posing a serious challenge to President Thein Sein's reformist government as it attempts to implement democratic reforms after nearly half a century of harsh military rule.

Rakhine state spokesman Win Myaing said over the weekend the policy was meant to stem population growth in the Muslim community, which a government-appointed commission last month identified as one of the causes of the sectarian violence. He said authorities have not determined how the measure will be enforced, but it will be mandatory.

"This is the best way to control the population explosion which is a threat to our national identity. If no measure is taken to control the population, there is a danger of losing our own identity," said National Affairs Minister for the Yangon Region Zaw Aye Maung, an ethnic Rakhine member of parliament. He said restricting the number of children in the poorer Muslim community will benefit them because smaller families are better able to feed, clothe and educate their children.

A Buddhist monk in Maungdaw township was also enthusiastic.

"It's a good idea. If the government can really control the Bengali population in the area, the other communities will feel more secure and there will be less violence like what happened in the past," said monk Manithara from the Aungmyay Bawdi monastery, using the name "Bengali" that most Buddhists prefer to "Rohingya." ''It's also a good step to develop the living standards of the people in the region. China also has this kind of policy."

China has a one-child policy, but it is not based on religion and exceptions apply to minority ethnic groups.

"This restriction violates human rights," said Nyunt Maung Shein, head of Myanmar's Islamic Religious Affairs Council. "Even if it existed under the military regime, it should be considered inappropriate under the democratic system."

"The authorities should be very cautious," he said. "If this is a step to ease tension between the communities, it will not produce the desired effect."

Myanmar's government does not include the Rohingya as one of its 135 recognized ethnic minorities. It considers them to be illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and denies them citizenship. Bangladesh says the Rohingya have been living in Myanmar for centuries and should be recognized there as citizens.

For years, the Rohingya in Myanmar have faced a variety of heavy-handed restrictions. They needed permission to travel outside their villages, couples were required to have permission to marry, and were then limited to having two children. Any offspring that exceeded the regulation were "blacklisted" and refused birth registrations, and denied the right to attend school, travel and marry, according to a report by the Arakan Project, a Thailand-based advocacy group for the Rohingya.

Phil Robertson of Human Rights Watch called the development "outrageous," noting that the commission's report stated that any form of population control must be "voluntary" and conform to human rights standards.

"This is a step precisely in the wrong direction ? going exactly the wrong direction from reconciliation and respect for human rights," he said.

Associated Press


Suspected rebels kill 28, wound 24 in east India

NEW DELHI (AP) ? Officials reacted with outrage Sunday to an audacious attack by about 200 suspected Maoist rebels who set off a roadside bomb and opened fire on a convoy carrying Indian ruling Congress party leaders and members in an eastern state, killing 28 people and wounding 24 others.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, accompanied by party President Sonia Gandhi, visited the injured in a hospital in the capital of Chhattisgarh state and said the government would take firm action against the perpetrators.

"We are devastated," said Gandhi, who denounced what she called a "dastardly attack" on the country's democratic values.

Rajnath Singh, president of opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, said the country should unite in its fight against the Maoist insurgency.

The convoy was attacked Saturday in a densely forested area about 215 miles (345 kilometers) south of Raipur, Chhattisgarh's capital, as the Congress members were returning from a party rally.

Four state party leaders and five police officers were among those killed. Other victims were party supporters.

Police identified one of those dead as Mahendra Karma, a Congress leader in Chhattisgarh who founded a local militia, the Salwa Judum, to combat the Maoist rebels. The anti-rebel militia had to be reined in after it was accused of atrocities against tribals - indigenous people at the bottom of India's rigid social ladder.

The dead also included state Congress party chief Nand Kumar Patel and his son. The injured included former federal minister Vidya Charan Shukla, 83, police said.

The Press Trust of India news agency said the attackers blocked the road by felling trees, forcing the convoy to halt. Police officer R.K. Vij said the suspected rebels triggered a land mine that blew up one of the cars. The attackers then fired at the Congress party leaders and their supporters before fleeing.

The Congress party is the main opposition party in the state. It has stepped up political activities, trying to win the support of tribals, ahead of state elections scheduled to be held by December.

K.P.S. Gill, a former police chief of Punjab state who has written widely on reform, said the attack was "a very horrifying incident."

However, Gill said the state government was incapable of devising a strategy to tackle the Maoist threat. "They don't have the political will and bureaucratic and police set-up to prevent such attacks," he said.

Prime Minister Singh has called the rebels India's biggest internal security threat. They are now present in 20 of India's 28 states and have thousands of fighters, according to the Home Ministry.

The rebels, known as Naxalites, have been fighting the central government for more than four decades, demanding land and jobs for tenant farmers and the poor. They take their name from the West Bengal village of Naxalbari where the movement began in 1967.

The fighters were inspired by Chinese Communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong and have drawn support from displaced tribal populations opposed to corporate exploitation and official corruption.

The government has offered to begin peace talks with the rebels, but without success. The Maoists demand that it first withdraw thousands of paramilitary soldiers deployed to fight the rebels.

Maoist rebels carried out two major attacks in Chhattisgarh in 2010. They ambushed a paramilitary patrol in April that year, killing 76 troops in their worst attack ever. A month later, they triggered a land mine under a bus carrying civilians and police, killing 31.


Gay soccer player Robbie Rogers joins LA Galaxy

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Until about a month ago, Robbie Rogers had no interest in being one of the highest-profile openly gay athletes in the world.

Rogers didn't want the pressure or attention, and he was weary of soccer itself. After coming out and simultaneously retiring in February, the former MLS champion and U.S. national team player planned to devote himself to fashion school and family, not soccer or social change.

Rogers told The Associated Press he changed his mind when he realized how much he still loved his sport ? and how much good he could do by playing it instead of standing on the sideline.

"I don't know what I was so afraid of," Rogers said. "It's been such a positive experience for me. The one thing I've learned from all of this is being gay is not that big of a deal to people."

Rogers joined the Los Angeles Galaxy of Major League Soccer on Saturday, agreeing to a multiyear contract in another step by openly gay athletes in professional sports.

The 26-year-old Rogers recently thought he would never pull on another jersey, imagining nonstop scrutiny and criticism. His concerns were eased by the strong support he received from family, fans and players, including Galaxy star Landon Donovan.

Now Rogers is eager to be more than a footnote. He is determined to thrive as the league's first openly gay player.

"People are just really growing and accepting and loving," Rogers said. "Those other things are just not that important to them. I think as the younger get older and the generations come and go, I think times are just becoming more accepting."

The two-time defending champion Galaxy traded top scorer Mike Magee to acquire Rogers, an MLS veteran who spent the last two seasons in England. He trained with the Galaxy in recent weeks and hoped to continue his career in his native Southern California. The Galaxy made it happen by giving up the popular Magee in a trade with the Chicago Fire, who held Rogers' MLS rights.

"I want to get back to soccer, which is what I love," Rogers said. "I get to do something I love, and I get to help people and be a positive role model. I'm really excited to set a great example for other kids that are going through the same thing I went through. It's a perfect world for me, a perfect world."

Coach Bruce Arena thinks Rogers already is in decent shape despite 18 months with little match experience. Arena figures Rogers could be a strong contributor to the Galaxy by July, but he could play in any upcoming match.

"Certainly the league, and I think the fans, are going to be receptive in a real positive way," Arena told the AP. "But we're not in this to pioneer social issues. We're trying to win games as a team, and we're trying to produce the best team we can. Robbie has shown us that he has the potential to still be a real good player in our league, and that's what we're hopeful of."

Rogers is mindful of the place he'll take in the culture when he steps on the field this summer, but the skilled, speedy winger is even more excited to contend for MLS titles and another chance to play the U.S. national team ? a stark contrast from his plans earlier this year when he was accepted to the menswear program at the London College of Fashion.

"I had a lot of fear to come back to the game," Rogers said, remembering countless instances of homophobia everywhere from the stands to locker rooms. "I was just afraid I was putting myself in an environment that in the past had affected my mental health because I always felt like an outcast. I felt that I couldn't be myself."

"But it's been amazing," he added. "It's been normal, just as it should be. I'm a soccer player. I happen to be gay, but I'm a professional soccer player, and I have been since I was 18, 19. ... I'm just really excited to go back to the game, and excited to deal with these stupid stereotypes that are out there with athletes and the gay community, just a bunch of different things."

He's certainly not alone in this movement. NBA veteran Jason Collins came out late last month, and Rogers spoke with Collins on the day of the center's announcement.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe, who plays for Lyon in France, came out last year before the London Olympics. She's expected to join the Seattle team of the new National Women's Soccer League in mid-June.

Brittney Griner, the No. 1 pick in the WNBA draft by the Phoenix Mercury, and Seimone Augustus of the Minnesota Lynx are among that league's openly gay players. Sheryl Swoopes, a retired WNBA All-Star and current college coach, came out in 2005 during her playing days.

But any day now, Rogers is likely to become the first openly gay male athlete to play in North America's biggest professional leagues, a fact that's still a bit surprising to both Rogers and Collins.

"I would have thought more athletes would have taken that step, I guess," Rogers said. "People have seen how accepting everyone has been of Jason's and my story. I think it's going to take just more time and more athletes coming out. It's all about seeing that it's not something to be afraid of. It's not going to hurt your career."

While MLS has a fraction of the NBA's popularity, Rogers has the potential to be more influential than Collins or featherweight boxer Orlando Cruz, who has won two fights since coming out last year. Collins is a journeyman basketball player without a contract for next season, while Rogers is an accomplished international soccer player in his prime.

Rogers won an NCAA title at Maryland in 2005 and an MLS title with Columbus in 2008 while making the all-league first team. He has played sparingly over the past two years for English clubs Leeds and Stevenage after leaving the Crew in December 2011.

But his workouts at the Galaxy's training complex in Carson, Calif., were enticing enough, even if Rogers acknowledged he's "definitely a bit rusty right now."

The Galaxy will work on getting Rogers back into top form, and they'll also support him in his conspicuous new role.

"It's going to take him a little time," said Arena, also the Galaxy's general manager. "He's got to adjust to the Galaxy. He's got to get himself in better form with the ball and his fitness. That takes time for any player, as we've witnessed with Landon over the last six to eight weeks. It's going to take some time. We hope Robbie can turn the corner quickly."

Rogers is joining his league's highest-profile team, with Donovan and Irish captain Robbie Keane leading a roster expected to contend for a third straight championship. After six years as David Beckham's home before the English midfielder's departure last December, the Galaxy know all about the spotlight that will be cast on Rogers.

"There's obviously going to be attention, and I think that we are no stranger to that," Galaxy President Chris Klein told the AP. "I think the biggest piece of this is the maturity of Robbie, and we're quite confident in that. We're there to stand behind him as an organization. He has shown to be a guy that has a tremendous amount of character and integrity, and I think he's going to fit our organization really well."

The deal is a risk for the Galaxy, who traded a beloved fan favorite for Rogers. Magee, a Chicago native, has won two titles and scored eight postseason goals in four years with the Galaxy, and he leads the club with six goals this season.

But Los Angeles is enticed by the potential of Rogers, who has played 18 times for the U.S. national team, scoring two goals. He dreams of playing for the American team at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, but knows it won't happen unless he excels with the Galaxy.

Rogers immediately felt comfortable training with the Galaxy and resuming his friendship with Donovan, meeting the U.S. national team star for coffee. He's also confident his attacking game on the wing can help the Galaxy, who haven't replaced Beckham's bending passes from the flank this season.

"They've been very accepting to me and very cool with me," Rogers said. "I'm just excited to get on the road with these guys and continue the season."

Aware that a whirlwind of attention is approaching, Rogers plans to lean on his faith. He also hopes his decision to use soccer as a platform for tolerance and acceptance leads more gay athletes to come out, even while his primary focus is on the game he has loved since his youth.

"You're just going to be treated the same as any other athlete," he said. "It's going to take time, but it's inevitable that the time will come when you're solely judged on your performance. That's going to happen. You can't put a time frame on it, but I think it's in the near future because I really have felt a shift in our society and acceptance in our sports world. I honestly think in the next few years, it's not going to be an issue."


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nigeria military says it rescued hostages in north

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) ? Nigeria's military says it has rescued women and children taken hostage by Islamic extremists after an attack on a police barracks.

The claim Friday by Brig. Gen. Chris Olukolade could not be independently confirmed.

Olukolade said the army freed three women and six children who had been in a propaganda video by the extremist network Boko Haram. A Boko Haram video seen by The Associated Press earlier in May showed 12 young boys and girls.

Olukolade said extremists took the hostages after a May 7 attack on the town of Bama. He said a woman and her two children remain missing.

Nigeria has faced increasingly bloody insurgent attacks by extremists since 2010. President Goodluck Jonathan declared emergency rule in three northeastern states May 14, giving security control to the military.


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How Star Trek Into Darkness' Epic Score Came To Life

They hear it through the entire movie, but most theater goers don't pay close attention to one of the most important supporting players in a film: the soundtrack. It's as important for building tension and excitement as the actors' performances, and the Soundworks Collection took a closer look at what went into the music behind Star Trek Into Darkness.

As much as Star Trek fans are endlessly devoted to characters like Kirk and Spock, they'd be hard pressed to feel any connection at all to the franchise if it wasn't for the work that composer Michael Giacchino?and those who've scored past Trek adventures?put into the films and series. [Soundworks Collection]


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Lyft Lifts $60 Million From Andreessen Horowitz, Gives 30,000 Rides A Week A Year After Launch

Lyft Highway shotIt was almost one year ago (to the day!) that we first wrote about Lyft and how the company was going to offer some lower-priced competition to on-demand ride leader Uber in San Francisco. Now, 366 days later, Lyft is celebrating the anniversary of that launch with some huge news: It's raised a $60 million round of financing led by Andreessen Horowitz.


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Product Preview: Martha Stewart Crafts Jewelry for Plaid, Supplies

Get ready for graduation season ? and any other tween or teen parties your family has this summer ? with these DIY jewelry-making supplies

Lish Dorset

Raise your hand if your family has a LOT of graduation parties to attend this spring. I remember hitting up multiple parties every weekend from May to June ? and the present bill was pretty high. Just in time for graduation season is something new from Martha Stewart Crafts and Plaid: DIY jewelry-making supplies. Instead of picking up gift card after gift card, try making a custom piece of jewelry, instead. Or create something special to accessorize your own party outfit! This week, we'll give you a quick look at the line that just arrived at our doorstep. Stop back next week for some project ideas to get you ready for your first party.

Jewelry Tools

Adorned in the trademark Martha Stewart blue, these tools range from jewelry pliers to silicone work mats and molds for making your own charms.

Rhinestones and Beads

You can also try your hand at setting these pretty little accents yourself ? perfect for adding to pendants.

Jewelry Paints, Glazes, and Epoxy Clays

While the pre-made charms make jewelry creations a snap to put together, you can personalize each piece thanks to this category. The paint can be applied as an accent to a charm or to the entire piece for an all-over effect.



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Friday, May 24, 2013

Google posts Chrome 28 beta, integrates services into search results


Main, Gmail searches pull results from other Google apps

Google has released a beta version of Chrome 28 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. The most significant change is in the Windows release, where a native notification center for apps and extensions has been turned on. These can include not only text and images, but optional actions such as making a phone call or sending email. Notifications can appear even when Chrome is closed. Google is promising Mac notifications "soon."

The Android beta incorporates a new Google Translate bar, more mobile-friendly error pages, and fullscreen support on tablets. Phone users should now see a "+" button in the toolbar for creating more tabs. When using the app's data compression option, a new graph shows estimated bandwidth savings.

Separate of Chrome, Google has integrated more of its own services into search results. When using the main Google search tool, people can now look for photos they and their friends have uploaded to Google+ by adding "my photos" or "____'s photos" in front of a query. Image recognition is used to identify photos with relevant content; Google suggests trying keywords like "food," "flowers," and "sunsets" to see working examples.

US Gmail users should soon be able to see Calendar events and Google Drive files when searching from within Gmail. The option has actually been available in test form for months, but is finally being rolled out to the public "over the coming week," according to Google.

By Electronista Staff


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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rajasthan Royals overpower Sunrisers Hyderabad to storm into the ...

Rajasthan Royals overpower Sunrisers Hyderabad to storm into the second qualifier ? Cricket news

In the eliminator of this year?s Indian Premier League (IPL), the experience of Rajasthan Royals paid off as they humbled Sunrisers Hyderabad by four wickets to make a place in the second qualifier of the tournament against Mumbai Indians.

After winning the toss at Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi, the Sunrisers chose to bat first due to the fact that they knew that they had the firepower in their bowling attack to defend any total.

The side, however, had a terrible start as they lost their first wicket with only two runs on the board. Opener Parthiv Patel was the first casualty of the day, as he fell after scoring only a run off three deliveries.

A run later, the side suffered the loss of the second wicket when number-three batsman Hanuma Vihari also found his way off the field with only one run to his name.

However, after losing two early wickets, the side made a steady comeback as the next partnership between Dhawan and skipper Cameron White took the score to 55, before the latter became the next batsman to hit the showers, after he was removed by Siddharth Trivedi with 31 runs to his name off 28 deliveries.

Dhawan was then joined by the flamboyant Darren Sammy and the duo took the score to 83, before James Faulkner nabbed the wicket of Dhawan, who faltered after hitting a knock of 33 runs off 39 deliveries.

The figure 111 proved unlucky for Sammy, as he was run out after scoring 29 runs. Later, the batting side managed to post a decent score of 132 for the loss of seven wickets in 20 overs.

Sunrisers must have been satisfied with their effort as they had every reason to believe that they had the talent to defend the target.

Rajasthan openers Rahul Dravid and Ajinkya Rahane gave their side a stand of 13 runs, before Dravid lost his wicket to Ishant Sharma after scoring 12 off 10. However, before Hyderabad could gloat any further, the next partnership between Rahane and Shane Watson turned the tables around as the two batsmen countered the bowling offense and managed to take the score to 50 runs, after which Watson lost his wicket with 24 runs to his name.

Dishant Yagnik was disappointing as he was clean bowled by Sammy without putting a run on the board.

With six wickets in the bag for 102 on the board, Hyderabad had this game all wrapped up before Brad Hodge pulled off a stunner by smashing a match-winning knock of 54 to take his team ahead. He was later named as the Player of the Match for his heroics.


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Laine Talley. 18. listening. adventuring. breathing. dreaming. changing. loving. wondering. reading. learning. shopping. traveling. laughing. wandering. creating. living.

Posted 12 hours ago, with 7 Notes


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AP PHOTOS: Images of devastating Oklahoma tornado

AAA??May. 21, 2013?2:10 PM ET
AP PHOTOS: Images of devastating Oklahoma tornado

Lea Bessinger and her son Josh Bessinger look through the rubble of the elder Bessinger's tornado-ravaged home Tuesday, May 21, 2013, in Moore, Okla. A huge tornado roared through the Oklahoma City suburb Monday, flattening an entire neighborhoods and destroying an elementary school with a direct blow as children and teachers huddled against winds. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Lea Bessinger and her son Josh Bessinger look through the rubble of the elder Bessinger's tornado-ravaged home Tuesday, May 21, 2013, in Moore, Okla. A huge tornado roared through the Oklahoma City suburb Monday, flattening an entire neighborhoods and destroying an elementary school with a direct blow as children and teachers huddled against winds. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Residents pass a destroyed car as they walk through a tornado-ravaged neighborhood Tuesday, May 21, 2013, in Moore, Okla. A huge tornado roared through the Oklahoma City suburb Monday, flattening entire neighborhoods and destroying an elementary school with a direct blow as children and teachers huddled against winds. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Rebekah Stuck hugs her son, Aiden Stuck, 7, after she found him in front of the destroyed Briarwood Elementary after a tornado struck south Oklahoma City and Moore, Okla., Monday, May 20, 2013. Aiden Stuck was inside the school when it was hit. (AP Photo/ The Oklahoman, Nate Billings)

People walk through a neighborhood south of SW 149th between Western and Hudson after a tornado struck south Oklahoma City and Moore, Okla., Monday, May 20, 2013. (AP Photo/ The Oklahoman, Nate Billings)

Lea Bessinger salvages a picture of Jesus as she and her son Josh Bessinger sort through the rubble of the elder Bessinger's tornado-ravaged home Tuesday, May 21, 2013, in Moore, Okla. A huge tornado roared through the Oklahoma City suburb Monday, flattening an entire neighborhoods and destroying an elementary school with a direct blow as children and teachers huddled against winds. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Residents sift through the remnants of their homes and parents embrace children outside a demolished elementary school. Emergency workers tend to the wounded.

Here are images of the aftermath of a powerful tornado that swept through an Oklahoma City suburb, killing at least 24 people.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Search for tornado survivors continues

[Updated at 2:30 p.m. CT]

MOORE, Okla. ?As a hailstorm bore down on the devastated region Tuesday afternoon, first responders continued to sift through debris to try to find survivors and figure out how many people died in the massive tornado that ripped through southern Oklahoma City and other towns a day earlier.

Twenty four people have been confirmed dead--including 9 children--and 237 were injured by the massive twister, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin said. At news conference Tuesday, Fallin said officials are trying to find out if other victims might have been taken to local funeral homes and are not yet been counted in the death toll.

"We're going through that debris and we're going to keep looking until everybody's found," FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said at the news conference.

Fallin said authorities "don't even know if there are missing people" but will turn over every piece of debris to find survivors possibly trapped in the rubble. First responders will check each damaged piece of property three times to ensure no one who needs help is overlooked, Fallin said.

"This was the storm of storms," Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett said.

[Photos from the scene.]

Earlier, authorities said they expected more vicitms to be uncovered.

"Not to be pessimistic... but we think the death toll will continue to climb as we find more bodies," Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb said on CNN.

Mother Nature was showing no mercy to Moore on Tuesday. Drenching rains and lightning had moved into the area by 9 a.m, and marble-sized hail fell in the afternoon.

Officials said water, electricity and cell phone service was down in some areas. They urged people to stay away from the area. Residents can call 1-800-621-FEMA to find shelter.

President Barack Obama said the federal government would help with the disaster response.

"The people of Moore should know that their country will remain on the ground there for them, beside them, as long as it takes for their homes and schools to rebuild, businesses and hospitals to reopen, the parents to console, the first responders to comfort and of course frightened children who will need our continued love and attention," Obama said Tuesday morning at the White House.

Seven of the dead children were found at Plaza Towers Elementary School Monday night, which took a direct hit when a titanic tornado chewed a deadly and destructive 20-mile path through Newcastle, Moore and parts of southern Oklahoma City for 40 minutes. Officials said that unlike 100 other schools in the area, Plaza Towers was not equipped with a tornado safe room.

Schools Superintendent Susan Pierce choked up at a news conference when talking about the twister, which destroyed at least two schools. She said every Moore school implemented its tornado shelter plan before the storm hit Monday. "We're in the process of learning as much as we can about what happened," she said, adding that graduation for Moore's high school seniors will still take place this Saturday in Oklahoma City.

Classes were still in session at Plaza Towers when the twister, estimated to be packing winds of 190 mph or greater, crushed nearly every corner of the property. Teachers? cars were thrown into the building, and the playground no longer exists.

?All you could hear were screams,? Local resident Stuart Earnest Jr. said of the scene at the Plaza Towers school after the storm. ?The people screaming for help. And the people trying to help were also screaming.?

?I can only hope those little kids killed didn't suffer,? said Earnest, one of many who rushed to the school to help survivors.

[In tornado's wake, worried parents seek out kids]

With several students still unaccounted for, rescuers worked overnight digging through the rubble. Police say they are still digging through the structure.

?I just hope they find her,? Shannon Galarneau said of her 10-year-old niece, a Plaza Towers student who was missing as of early Tuesday morning. ?You just feel helpless.?

The girl's younger sister, also a student at the school, survived by suffered cuts to her head and bruises on her back. The 8-year-old was still wearing her hospital bracelet while asleep on her grandmother's shoulder in the front seat of a pickup truck just after midnight.

?She said it was probably the scariest day of her life,? Galarneau said.

Monday's tornado was estimated to be more than a mile wide at times. Its path was nearly identical to the one taken by a record-breaking May 1999 tornado that devastated the area.

Galarneau and her husband could see the twister a mile and a half from their front porch and scrambled to hide.

?It barreled down fast,? said Galarneau, who found refuge in a utility closet.

[How to Help: Oklahoma storms]

Obama declared several Oklahoma counties disaster areas and pledged to support the area's rescue and recovery. The funnel?s fury crumbled homes for several blocks around the school and in other parts of Moore. Missing street signs and other landmarks made some neighborhoods unrecognizable even to locals.

?It is a barren wasteland,? Galarneau said. ?Everything is leveled.?

Allen and JoAnn Anderson huddled under quilts and pillows in their bathtub with their Yorkie, Magand, and cat, Meow, when the tornado came down their street.

?It was like standing in the middle of a train track and having the train go right over you,? said Allen, 63.

They emerged from the tub 15 minutes later to find their brick house gone and cars badly damaged.

?There?s no house. It?s just a pile of rubble,? Allen said.

The couple checked into a motel with their pets late Monday. Chunks of attic insulation were still stuck in JoAnn?s sandy-blond hair, and her legs were partially caked in dried mud.

?It could be worse,? JoAnn said. ?We're alive.?

The tornado developed very quickly and caught many people like, Kelly Damphousse, off guard. He and his family were unloading a 26-foot U-Haul truck at a storage facility when they spotted the ferocious funnel.

--Yahoo News' Liz Goodwin is reporting from New York.


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Man hacked to death in London street in suspected militant attack

By Li-mei Hoang

LONDON (Reuters) - A man was hacked to death in a street near an army barracks in London on Wednesday in what Prime Minister David Cameron said appeared to be a politically motivated attack.

The victim was a British soldier killed in broad daylight by unidentified assailants who tried to behead him while shouting "God is greatest" in Arabic, media reports said.

Soon after the attack, two men carrying weapons were shot and wounded by police.

Cameron cut short a visit to France to return to London and chair an emergency national security meeting.

"It is the most appalling crime," Cameron said in Paris. "The police are urgently seeking the full facts about this case but there are strong indications that it is a terrorist incident."

Police sealed off streets around the Woolwich area in southeast London and helicopters hovered overhead after the attack. Pools of blood stained the street.

Video footage filmed by an onlooker and broadcast by Britain's ITV news channel showed a man with hands covered in blood and holding a bloodied knife.

In the clip, the man, looking agitated and angry, said: "I apologize that women had to witness that, but in our lands our women have to see the same thing.

"You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don't care about you."

The man could have been referring to Afghanistan, where British troops are part of the international force supporting the Kabul government in its fight against Taleban insurgents.


A police forensics officer investigates a crime scene where one man was killed in Woolwich, southeast London May 22, 2013. British Prime Minister David Cameron has called a meeting of his government's... more? A police forensics officer investigates a crime scene where one man was killed in Woolwich, southeast London May 22, 2013. British Prime Minister David Cameron has called a meeting of his government's emergency Cobra security committee after the killing of a man in south London, his office said on Wednesday. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth (BRITAIN - Tags: CRIME LAW POLITICS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) less? London was last hit by a serious militant attack in July 2005, when four young Islamists set off suicide bombs on the public transport network, killing 52 people and wounding hundreds. A similar attempted attack two weeks later was thwarted.

British counter-terrorism chiefs have recently warned that radicalized individuals, so-called "lone wolves" who might have had no direct contact with al Qaeda posed as great a risk as those who plotted attacks on the lines of the 2005 attacks.

Local residents expressed shock at Wednesday's killing.

"That this can happen in the centre of a busy town, it's really really shocking and traumatizing for everybody, all local residents," a witness who gave her name as Tenisan told Reuters in a nearby street.

Ahmed Jama, a 26-year-old resident, laid flowers down at the scene as a sign of respect to the families involved.

"This has nothing to do with Islam, this has nothing to do with our religion. This has nothing to do with Allah," he said "It has nothing to do with Islam. It's heartbreaking, it's heartbreaking."

A number of weapons were reportedly being used in the attack, including a firearm, police said. Security has been tightened at all London barracks.

Home Secretary Theresa May said in a statement: "This is a sickening and barbaric attack."

Cameron cut short talks with French President Francois Hollande to return home.

"We have had these sorts of attacks before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them," he said.

(Reporting by Andrew Osborn and William James. Writing by Maria Golovnina, editing by Kate Holton, Guy Faulconbridge and Angus MacSwan)


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