Sunday, April 8, 2012

Online Marketing

Internet marketing is also known as network marketing, Internet-based, interactive use of digital information and network media to assist the marketing objectives to achieve a new way of marketing. Online Marketing has a strong practical feature, network marketing methods and laws, practice and more meaningful discussion than an empty theory.

Online Marketing

?1.?A broad online marketing

??Synonymous with the concept of online marketing include: Internet marketing, Internet marketing , online marketing, Internet marketing. These terms are the same meaning, generally, online marketing, Internet marketing activities as the main means.

??The network marketing network, brings together the latest and most complete and most comprehensive online marketing information. Therefore, how to define the online marketing is not the most important, the key is to understand the true meaning and purpose of the network marketing is fully aware of this new marketing environment in the Internet, using a variety of Internet tools to provide effective support for corporate marketing activities . This is why online marketing research must pay attention to the practical methods of online marketing reasons.

??2, ?the narrow-line marketing

??Narrowly defined online marketing refers to organizations or individuals, products, services, done by a series of business activities, so as to achieve the whole process to meet the needs of organizations or individuals based on open and convenient Internet. Online marketing is a new business marketing model.

Characteristics of online marketing

??With the maturity of the development of Internet technology and networking costs low, the Internet is like an "adhesive" to businesses, groups, organizations and individuals across time and space are linked together through the exchange of information between them to become "readily available". Marketing is the most important and most essential information dissemination and exchange between organizations and individuals. If there is no exchange of information, then the transaction is this the source. For this reason, the Internet has some of the features required by the marketing, online marketing showing the following characteristics:

??(1) across time and space. The ultimate goal of marketing is market share, the Internet is beyond the time constraints and space limitations, the exchange of information, thus making a deal out of the constraints of time become possible, enterprises can have more time and more space for marketing may be a week 7 days, 24 hours a day, anywhere, anytime to provide global marketing services.

??(2) multimedia. The Internet was designed can transmit a variety of media, such as text, sound, images and other information, making information exchange for the deal to many forms and exchange, can give full play to the creativity and initiative of the marketing staff.

??(3) interactive. Internet through the image of the display of goods, the goods information database-related inquiries, supply and demand interact to achieve two-way communication. You can also conduct product testing and consumer satisfaction surveys and other activities. The Internet is a joint product design, merchandise information, and technical services to provide the best tools.

??(4) personalized. Promotions on the Internet is a one-on-one, rational, consumer-led, non-compulsory, gradual, and the promotion of a low-cost and user-friendly, avoid salesman strong marketing interference, and through information provide interactive conversation, to establish long-term good relationship with consumers.

??(5) growth. The rapid growth in the number of Internet users throughout the world, users are mostly young, middle-class, high educational standards, this part of the group with strong purchasing power and has a strong influence on the market, it is a great development potential market channels.

??(6) integration. Internet marketing can be the product information to the receivables, after-sales service one go, so is also a full marketing channels. On the other hand, the enterprise can make use of the Internet, the spread of marketing activities for unified design plan and coordinate the implementation Oration uniform spread of information conveyed to consumers, to avoid inconsistency the negative impact of the different propagation.

??(7) in advance. The Internet is a most powerful marketing tool, while both channels, promotion, electronic transactions, interactive customer service, and market information analysis and provide a variety of functions. It with the one-to-one marketing capabilities, it is in line with the future trend of customized marketing and direct marketing.
??(8) efficiency. The computer can store a lot of information, on behalf of consumer inquiries, the amount of information can be sent and accuracy than any other media, and in response to market demand, to update products or to adjust the price, can promptly and effectively understand and meet customer needs.

??(9) economy. The exchange of information via the Internet, instead of the previous barter, on the one hand to reduce printing and mailing costs, non-store sales, rent-free, saving water and electricity and labor costs, on the other hand can reduce the loss of multiple exchange circuitous .

??(10) technical. Online marketing is to establish on the basis of the high-tech as the support of the Internet, the implementation of online marketing there must be some technical inputs and technical support to change the traditional form of organization to enhance the functions of the department of information management, the introduction to understand marketing and computer technology talented people, in order to have a competitive advantage in the market.

??Perfection and to carry out online marketing

??Internet marketing in order to correct and perfect, must include six phases: control they limit them to motivate them to contact them and catch them.


Tip: increase your potential customer database

??Website, buy less, the vast majority of websites are to allow these people to quietly go quietly, and wasted a lot of potential customers. So black suggest that you must use a skill, so visit your site, most users are willing to leave contact information. As long as you continue to carry out database marketing strategy so that potential customers willing to accept, they will gradually become your customers.

Technique 2: Customer evaluation of impact of a potential customer's decision-making

??Most people have a herd mentality, to buy a product when the purchase decision of the purchased product reviews, potential customers will be very large. Each product below should be reasonable to put 67 or more from the customers from all angles, a good evaluation of this product.
Skills of the three tips: To improve the customer repeat purchase

??1 coupon strategy:

A customer order after the success must be giving customers a coupon, and then within a certain period, when buying products, coupons, can act as a certain amount, but it expired. So that customers will think of ways to spend this coupon or give them to his friends.

??Database marketing: the customer valuable information to the client push on a regular basis, while the fringe of the product promotions. Because the majority of e-commerce sites will only rigidly to the client push ads so poorly. You must be like to the customer sends the user information. The integration of advertising, what information customers like?

??These recommendations, almost all Internet users watching can be implemented immediately, we are able to immediately experience to rely on network marketing, and user experience at any time are likely to work miracles.

Method of online marketing

??Network marketing functions require one or more network marketing tools, network marketing methods in addition to search engine registration include: keyword search, online advertising, TMTW calls paid advertising, link exchange, information dissemination, integrated marketing, blog marketing, mailing lists, permission E-mail marketing, personalized marketing, membership marketing, viral marketing and so on. The following is a brief introduction of 10 commonly used online marketing methods and effects.

A search engine marketing

??SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, the Chinese meaning is a search engine marketing. SEM is a new form of network marketing. SEM done is comprehensive and effective use of search engines to online marketing and promotion. SEM pursuit of the highest price, with a minimum investment to get the most visits from search engines and generate business value.?

??Case XX Activated Carbon Co., Ltd.: Jurong search engine marketing strategies

2. Link exchange

??Link exchange or link swap, it has certain complementary advantages between two sites with a simple cooperation, respectively, in their own home or within the page to put the logo or keywords of other sites and set the other site hyperlinks, enabling users to see their website, available from the website of each other's cooperation to achieve the purpose of mutual promotion. Exchange links There are several that can be visited, to increase the impression that when the user browses to increase the advantage in search engine rankings, increase in co-operation to a web site visitor's credibility. It is worth mentioning is the significance of exchange links have been beyond the possibility of increasing traffic, is more important than the direct effect of the industry's awareness and recognition. advertising

??Almost all online marketing activities and brand image, branding network marketing tools, online advertising is the most direct. Standard signs advertising (BANNER) was once a mainstream online advertising (though not the only form), 2001, online advertising has launched a vigorous innovation movement, new forms of advertising emerging, new advertising standards to overcome the banner ads carrying amount of information is limited, poor interactivity weakness, has received a relatively high click-through rate.

4.Information released
??Information is not only the basic functions of network marketing, is a practical means of operation, not only can browse through the Internet, to a large number of commercial information, but also can release information. The most important is the timely release of the valuable information on their own websites, to give full play to the functions of the site, such as new product information and discount promotions.

5.Blog marketing
??Blog marketing blog website or blog forum contact blog author and the viewer, the blog of personal knowledge, interests and life experience, dissemination of product information, marketing campaigns. Blog marketing does not sell products directly but through the influence of consumers thought to influence their buying behavior. For example, a camera manufacturer to sponsor a well-known photography blog, and instill their own products, then these products from the blog as the source of communication open to the influence of other photographers and camera users. The professional blog often opinion leaders in the circle, they did often imitate and chase.

??Case: the Stormhoek winery blog marketing examples.

6. Personalized marketing
??Personalized marketing include: customized information content of interest, choose their favorite form of web design, the right to set the receiving mode of information according to their needs and accept the time. Personalized service has an obvious effect in improving customer relationships and cultivate customer loyalty and increase online sales, according to the study, in order to access certain personalized services, in the case of personal information can be protected, the user is willing to provide limited personal information , which is carried out to ensure that the premise of personalized marketing.

7. Affiliate Marketing
??Affiliate Marketing has been proven effective marketing tool for e-commerce website, many foreign online retail site implemented a membership program, almost covering all industries, the country's membership-based marketing is still in the early stages of development, but has been seen e-commerce businesses expressed a strong interest and a strong momentum of development.

??Case: of ECVV foreign trade platform of gold, platinum, diamond membership. stores
??E-commerce platform provided by third parties, and manages its own online store by the business, as hiring creation of merchant stores in large shopping malls, is a relatively simple form of e-commerce. Online store in addition to this basic functionality of the products sold directly through the network, or an effective network marketing tool. From their overall marketing strategy and customer point of view to consider the role of the online stores are mainly manifested in two aspects: on the one hand, online shop online sales channels provide convenient conditions for the extended enterprise; the other hand, based on the well-known e-commerce platform online store customer trust, function, corporate website does not have e-commerce functionality is also an effective complement to enhance the corporate image and increase sales with good results, especially in the corporate website and online store the combination of the effect more visible.

9.Viral marketing
??Viral marketing is not really the way to spread the virus to carry out marketing, but through word of mouth publicity of the user's network, information like a virus to spread and proliferation of fast copy transmitted to thousands, to millions of audience. The classic example of viral marketing. Now almost all of the free e-mail providers have taken similar promotional methods.?

??Case: Super Girl video marketing
??Digital technology live real-time video image signal of product marketing and corporate image video signal transmission over Internet. Customers to go online to visit your company website will be able to see the show live television on your products and corporate image. Network monitoring remote bird's-eye view to developing science and technology Co., Ltd. "in the website building and website promotion to strengthen the credibility of the visitors to the site content, reliability, and exclusive created. Before that, the role of all the website building and website promotion can just let Internet users such as the desert from Hao Internet world to find you; network television marketing to find your Internet users to believe you!

11.Forum Marketing
??Forum marketing is actually already begun to use the forum for a variety of corporate marketing activities, there are companies in the forum when the forum then become a forum for fresh media appears to release some of the information in the enterprise product, in fact, this is also Forum Marketing a simple method. Combination of practical experience in network planning here briefly look at what is forum marketing, forum marketing is the business forum such a network platform for the exchange through text, pictures, video, released the company's products and services information, which target customers more profound understanding of the products and services. eventually reach the corporate promotional corporate brands, to enhance the market awareness of online marketing activities, this is forum marketing. " marketing alliance
??Marketing alliance in China is still in its infancy, has been very mature in a foreign country, 1996 Amazon through this new approach a success, the coalition includes three elements: advertisers, website owners and ad network platform. In accordance with the actual effect of online advertising (such as sales, guide number, etc.), the advertisers pay the reasonable cost of advertising to the site owners to save marketing costs, enhance their visibility, and expand the impact of enterprise products, and improve the quality of network marketing.

13.Bid to promote
??Bid to promote the company's products, services through the form of a keyword in the search engine platform for promotion, it is a Pay-for-new search engine advertising. A small amount of investment can bring a lot of potential customers to the enterprise to effectively enhance sales. PPC is a Pay-for-network promotion by Baidu in China to launch. To purchase the service, registered a certain number of keywords to promote information will be the first to appear in the corresponding Internet users search results.

14. EBook marketing

In theory, the e-book advertising application is very simple: in the production of e-books, advertising information and reasonable arrangements to e-books, such as the home page of the book, the contents of the header or footer, or in the body of the appropriate insert a certain amount of advertising information to allow readers to read the free e-book at the same time, receive a certain amount of advertising.

??eBook advertising can have all the advantages of online advertising, for example, you can accurately measure the number of each book to download, and can record download from which IP address has more advantages than the general online advertising, such as the download read through a variety of equipment off-line browsing, and a good book will often be the repeated reading of the reader, and may be spread among multiple people, so that the same number of clicks (manifestation of the eBook click to download), will obviously than the common online advertising More Views, readers of the advertisement impression will naturally deepen.

15 event marketing
??Planning, social impact, as well as celebrity figures or events newsworthy, attracting the interest and attention of the media, community groups and consumers, and the Qi to promote a full understanding of the Internet phenomenon and a wealth of experience in network planning for corporate and product visibility reputation, foster a healthy brand image. Right to deduct your business quickly popular in the network.

16. Video Marketing
??Video marketing will be "interesting, useful and effective," "three" principle and the "fast" together. This is the reason more and more companies have chosen network video as their marketing tool. Qi to promote the view that it has all the features of the TV movie, such as infection and strong, and diverse forms of content, wanton creativity, but also has the advantage of Internet marketing, such as interactive, active-borne, spread fast, low cost . It can be said that online video marketing, television advertising and Internet marketing, both "pet" rolled into one.

17.Brand marketing
??Enterprises to survive, we must firmly focus on corporate branding strategy, no matter what marketing methods are spread on the implantation of own brand, while the network era for the development of corporate brand provides a wider space, while also providing new forms of communication, especially in WEB2.0 era, the network has become a brand reputation spread positions. Branding, create corporate brand image, brand marketing. An excellent brand building is not only a higher awareness, but also has good reputation. The information age, the use of search engine is a four hundred million Internet users in the Internet every day to go through the process, you want your brand to be known, we must first make their products and services to excel in the show on the search engine.

18. Integrated Marketing
??Network marketing is Liu Yu containing a whole, with the efficiency of SMEs and the understanding and application of network marketing, the effect of a single marketing model will be smaller and smaller, while the network of integrated marketing planning for SMEs will become increasingly important. It is the Internet-based platform, integration of Internet resources, a full range of all aspects of show business information, establish a brand, promotional products.
IM means tool for marketing

??IM tools marketing generally refers to the instant messaging software QQ, MSN, Want to achieve the purpose of marketing, commonly used in general for sending messages, the use of pop-up window pop-up message, or to use the tools in the form of skin embedded advertising!

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