Friday, November 16, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Mo.: Liquid calories count: Sugary drinks pour on the ...

? The Kansas City Star

? Sixteen-year-old Montana Ivory had been an excellent customer for Coke, Mountain Dew and Monster Energy - until he got the message about calories.

"I'd end up drinking a half-liter and not even notice it was gone," Ivory said. "And I didn't pay attention that a serving size is 8 ounces, and I would drink four or five times that."

After Ivory attended a program at the University of Kansas Medical Center, he started reading labels and rejecting sugary drinks. Not easy.

"I was unhappy because I love that stuff," he said. "But now my potbelly is starting to shrink down."

While the multibillion-dollar sugary beverages industry - soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, coffee concoctions - flows happily on, the science is becoming crystal clear: If you want to lose or control weight, drink no calories. Or very few.

It's the same for old and young. In a new and unusual study of more than 200 overweight or obese 14- to 16-year-olds, researchers delivered bottled water and diet drinks to families, then counseled them to drink the no-calorie beverages rather than their usual sweetened drinks.

After a year, participants who received the water and diet drinks gained an average 4 pounds less than the control group, a significant finding considering it was the only lifestyle change in the study, said Cara Ebbeling of Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Ivory wasn't in the Boston study, but he did lose 15 pounds, down to about 200, and ultimately wants to weigh closer to 170. He's also eating better and exercising more. Doable?

"If I stick to the plan," he said.

The message is out there, the science is in, but many of us are still guzzling the calories. Americans consume 300 calories more a day than they did three decades ago, and a substantial part of that increase comes from beverages.

It's a hard habit to break.

One problem, Ebbeling said, may be that people aren't distinguishing between sensations of hunger and thirst. Consciously and correctly responding to those cues is key, she said.

"When you're thirsty, you need water as opposed to calories," she said. "Calories are needed when you're hungry."

A big issue is ready availability. An important idea in the study, Ebbeling said, was to change the home environment so that sugar-free drinks were available - and to encourage choosing them over sweetened beverages.

The ubiquity of giant drinks was the reason for the recent New York City ban of sweetened beverages larger than 16 ounces. Recent ballot measures in two California cities would have taxed sugary beverages to the tune of $1.44 for a 12-pack, but voters rejected both proposals last Tuesday.

And earlier this month, Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City announced that starting in January, sugary drinks would not be sold in the hospital.

Joan O'Keefe, a registered dietitian and Kansas City area nutrition counselor, said some of her toughest weight loss cases are among those who drink a lot of calories.

"It's huge," she said, "this infusion of soda pop and things like Gatorade, Powerade, Fruitopia. And coffee drinks with all the syrups in them."

While the body must deal with all the added calories of sweetened drinks, those beverages don't send the "full" message to the brain that comes with food, O'Keefe said. The result is way too many calories, day after day.

One way to combat the desire for soda, she said, is with sparkling water.

Besides the sweetness, it's the feel of carbonation in the mouth that holds much of soda's appeal, so switching to no-calorie flavored carbonated water - her family likes Lacroix - can help break the soda habit.

Diet drinks? Not a favorite of many nutritionists. They worry about the potential ill effects of some compounds in diet sodas. And there's concern that artificial sweeteners might actually increase cravings, leading to more eating and added pounds.

But new studies by researchers in Denmark found that diet cola behaved the same as water in terms of appetite and weight gain. Bjorn Richelsen of Aarhus University Hospital said four beverages were analyzed: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, milk and water.

One hypothesis was that Diet Coke would enhance appetite, but that was not the case, Richelsen said in an email. No difference was found in the calorie intake of study participants in the hours after drinking the diet soda or water. And in a longer-term study, no weight gain was associated with Diet Coke.

More study is needed about the effects of soda drinking in large quantities and over time, nutritionists said.

Jim Heeter hasn't messed with sugary drinks for years, even before his recent weight loss competition with Kansas City Mayor Sly James. But the president of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce said his strategy included upping his water consumption "enormously" while throttling back on Diet Coke.

One treat he won't give up is an occasional Lost Trail diet root beer.

"Other people might get home and have a martini or Scotch," said Heeter, who won the five-month "Not So Big KC Challenge" over James. "I have Lost Trail over cracked ice. No caffeine. No calories."

Ann Davis, the director of the University of Kansas Healthy Hawks program, the one attended by Montana Ivory, said that while the weight program emphasizes beverages with no calories, it doesn't take a stand on diet drinks.

"We leave that up to families," she said. "Some parents are OK with diet drinks, and some are not."

The program gives teens like Montana examples of how much exercise it would take to burn off the calories in sweetened beverages, Davis said, and shows them that not just soda but juices and sports drinks are crammed with calories.

If they drink 400 extra calories, a big cola of about 36 ounces, for instance, it would take at least an hour of brisk walking to burn through those calories. They complete a worksheet to help them make the link: calories in, calories out.

Adults also need the wake-up call. Jan Schmidt, exercise physiologist and trainer at Bene-Fit Health and Fitness, said that while helping clients with exercise she also asks about extra calories they may be consuming. Beverages often top the list.

Schmidt recommends a weaning program. Assess those extra calories and start by cutting them in half. If you drink 200 calories a day in a sweetened beverage, make it 100.

"A reduction of 100 calories a day knocks off 10 pounds in a year," she said. "That's how it adds up."

Cutting back or going unsweetened, of course, is a tough challenge for almost everyone, Davis said.

"Knowing what you should do and actually doing it are two very different things," she said.


Even if you take the "drink no calories" pledge to keep the weight off, some liquid calories inevitably will slip through your lips. You're allowed, but the key is to be conscious that when you drink your calories, they count. Sixteen ounces of a soft drink or fruit juice could easily pack 200 calories.

Nutritionists and dietitians offer a few suggestions for no- and low-calorie beverages to replace sugary drinks:

Plain water. Add a fruit slice, but just a slice.

Flavored carbonated water. The mouth enjoys the zing from the carbonation.

Unsweetened tea and coffee. Watch the caffeine.

Diet drinks. Imbibe as a "transition" from sugary drinks to unsweetened ones, or only occasionally.

Low-sodium vegetable juice. About 50 calories in 8 ounces.

Skim milk. Don't forget your calcium. About 80 calories in 8 ounces.


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