Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Will i be able to get into UCLA or Berkely? | Education Reference

Question by : Will i be able to get into UCLA or Berkely?
Hello. I am currently a 16 year old girl attending a magnate a magnate high school. ( The hardest school in my state). My current gpa is a 3.9 non-weighted and 4.256 weighted. I have taken the following classes
Freshman year: PE 1 semester 1 and 2: A
Computer Based projects semester 1 and 2: A
Spanish 1 semester 1 and 2: A
Algebra 1 H Semester 1 and 2: A
Computer Science 1 semester 1 and 2: A
Health Semester: A
Study Skills Semester: A
Principles of Science: A
English H Semester 1: B :(
English H Semester 2 : A
Sophomore Year:
Geometry H semester 1 and 2: A
PE 2 semester 1 and 2: A
Biology H Semester 1 : B :(
Biology H Semester 2: A
Robotics Semester 1 and 2: A
English 2 Semester 1 and 2: A
Intro to Engineering Design Semester 1 and 2 : A
World History H Semester 1 and 2: A
Spanish 2 H Semester 1: A
Spanish 2 H Semester 2 : B
Over summer
Algebra 2: A
So far this year ( only quarter 1)
Chemistry H: A
PreCalculus H: C (its killing me)
Ap Eng lang/Comp : A
Physics H: A
AP US History : B ( Its getting easier so it will probably be an A I hope.)
Office Aid : A
Principles of Engineering : A
Art : A
I want to go into Chemical Engineering as my major so math and science are really important. I am very worried about my quarter grade for precalc. I am going to see if i can find someone to tutor me in it because i think the reason i am doing bad is because i did not learn much in my algebra 2 class over the summer which is especially bad because quarter 1 is mostly review and the teacher is teacher is teaching it like its review because everyone else knows the stuff and I never did. I am going to try to raise my grade to a B but i can?t guarantee anything. If it is a c will it seriously kill my chances. Especially considering I?m going into engineering.
I haven?t taken the SAT?s yet but i did take the psat last year and got a 1733 and took it again this year and finished all the questions and only questioned a few in each section so i should have gotten much higher. I am also going to study for the final sats and hopefully get above 2,000.

Due to family circumstances, I could not stay after school for clubs so i was only in NHS as a club. However, now that I am 16 and can drive I am in NHS, key club, interact, and art club. I volunteer outside of school at the adopt a rescue pet foundation. I am going to try to get be more involved with extra curricular activities and may be a leadership position in NHS.

I might take a few classes at the community college this summer. Next year I am taking: AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, AP Physics C, AP Lit, Government H, Spanish 3 H, and maybe AP Psychology ( debating whether or not I want that many AP classes.)

So what are my chances of getting into UCLA, Berkeley, Irvine, Carnegie Mellon or other top but not Ivy league colleges? What can I do to improve my chances?

Best answer:

Answer by i
From what I can tell you seem to be a very studious person, just like I am. I?m sure you?re going to get into any school you want, just as long as you also show the schools who you are and what you?re all about outside of the scope of academics. Schools like to see well rounded students. I hoped that helped a bit and I wish you luck in getting into where ever you decide to apply. :)

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