Saturday, August 25, 2012

Inaugural Season of hiSTORYstage | Triangle Arts and Entertainment

historicInterpretationslogo Inaugural Season of hiSTORYstageRaleigh, NC? Historic Interpretations, Inc. is pleased to announce the inaugural seasonof hiSTORYstage, our new theatrical performance company.? The company?s first season will feature a newadaptation of the traditional English mummer?s play, Saint George and the Dragondirected by Jeremy David Clos,? CharlesMarowitz?s avaunt-garde re-imagining of a Shakespearean classic with TheMarowitz Hamlet directed by Rebecca Blum, a new production of a RoyalShakespeare Company favorite, The Hollow Crown, directed by LindaDepo, and the Triangle premiere of a new play by John Heimbuch, WilliamShakespeare?s Land of the Dead featuring a look at a modern pop culturephenomenon through Elizabethan eyes.

HI Executive Director Jeremy DavidClos said, ?I?m very proud to announce our new company and the inaugural seasonof plays which may be brand new to Triangle audiences.? We?re very excited to begin a journey to helpour audiences discover history and historical perspectives through the mediumof live theatre.? We look forward tobringing together a community of artists, audiences, and our Triangle communitiesto maximize access, entertainment value, and educational impact of our firstseason.?

For tickets, audition information,to volunteer, or for information our upcoming season, visit us on the web at or call919-339-1558.

The inaugural season of hiSTORYstage Up-Close:

Saint George and the Dragon,?December 20-22, 2012
Adapted & Directed by Jeremy David Clos
Burning Coal Theatre at the Murphey School:?Raleigh, NC

Our version of the traditionalEnglish Christmas play, ?Saint George and the Dragon? is a compositeversion drawn from surviving manuscripts and woven together from bits of oldtext, folk legends, and medieval Christmas plays.?? This is a charming retelling of the greatestof the mummer?s plays, folk plays of the Middle Ages.? You?ll travel backin time to the Christmas celebrations of long-ago, which begin with a parade ofknights, princesses, kings, queens, and, of course, a dragon.? Witnessmiraculous medical practitioners who can cure all ailments, and see FatherChristmas preside over exaggerated sword and shield battles, Christmas Carols,madrigal songs, court dances, and the heroic and romantic escapades ofEngland?s great hero, St. George, all told in the traditional rhymed dialogueused in the ancient plays, but with updated language for modern audiences.

The Marowitz Hamlet, March28-31, 2013
Written by Charles Marowitz
Directed by Rebecca Blum
Common Ground Theatre:? Durham, NC

Charles Marowitz, an acclaimedstage director, theatre critic, columnist, author, and playwright, hasdeconstructed Hamlet, broken it into pieces and remixed it for the postmodernage.? A thoroughly modern take on the plot of Hamlet which usesShakespeare?s original words as the action plays out as seen through the prismof the central character?s mentally besieged consciousness.

This ?collage? as Marowitz termsit, unfolds in a stream of consciousness, as characters appear and disappearfrom the stage at random as Hamlet conjures up his memories and imaginings ofthem.? This new version severely shortens the play from the original fourhours, but leaves the plot complete and accessible for audiences not familiarwith Hamlet.? ?A remarkably clever pieceof theatre.?? ? Thomas Stuart, West of West

The Hollow Crown, August1-4, 2013
Compiled by John Barton
Directed by Linda Depo
Common Ground Theatre:? Durham, NC

This entertainment by and aboutthe Kings and Queens of England includes music, poetry, speeches, letters andother writings. The players bring to life the writings of royals from William Ito Victoria; the three singers intersperse songs from the proper period ? someof which are sad tunes on the death of kings while others are uproariouslyfunny.? A favorite of the RoyalShakespeare Company, The Hollow Crown has enjoyed perennial success since ithit the stage in 1961.? What makes The Hollow Crown remarkable is that, insome instances, the audience is hearing the story in the monarch?s ownwords.? The play is not a history lesson, though, but a piece ofentertainment.? The Hollow Crown will appeal to those with or without afirm grasp on the past. Theatre is exciting for people when they learnsomething new!

William Shakespeare?s Land of the Dead, October 10-13, 2013
Written by John Heimbuch
Common Ground Theatre:? Durham, NC

Described as ?a true and accurateaccount of the 1599 zombie invasion at the Globe Theatre?, WilliamShakespeare?s Land of the Dead explores the Elizabethan era of Shakespeare,Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth, all of whom are struggling to survive azombie attack! In the midst of an argument in which Will Kemp is thrown out ofthe theater for refusing to accept the death of his favorite character, Falstaff,in Henry V, a costume mistress is mysteriously bitten by a zombie, thus causingall hell to break loose. As the Globe becomes a quarantine-zone in azombie-riddled London, the characters must learn how to survive amongst boththe undead and each other.

?JohnHeimbuch?s script is witty, clever, peppered with self-referential humor andwonderful wordplay on some of the Bard?s best lines.? ? Brian Leehan,Minneapolis Star Tribune

Subscription Information

Four play subscriptions to ourinaugural season range start at $40.00 and are on sale now.? To purchase asubscription or to receive more information, visit the hiSTORYstage website at ?Individual tickets for Saint George and theDragon go on sale Sep-tember 20th, 2012; for The Marowitz Hamlet on December 28th,2012; for The Hollow Crown on May 1st,2013; and for William Shakespeare?s Landof the Dead on July 10th, 2013.??Groups of 10 or more may purchasetickets by calling 919-339-1558.


Now in its 11thyear, Historic Interpretations, Inc. is dedicated to educationthrough demonstrating the history, art, science, and culture of Europe and theAmericas during the 16th to 18th centuries.? We accomplish this by usinghands-on activities, stage performances, and first person interpretation atfestivals, historic sites, museums, and schools.? Our staff is comprised of actors, re-enactors,educators, historians, and artisans.? We are also home to the award winning performance group, The Nickel ShakespeareGirls (

Formore information, visit, or call 919-339-1558.

HistoricInterpretations, Inc., under the leadership of Jeremy David Clos, President,Dennis Thompson, Vice-President, Lynn Peverill, Secretary, Krissina Newcomb Treasurer, Hilary Bouton-Verville, Historian, and At-Large Members LucyRingland, Briony Kinnear, Jaclyn Bell, Jennie Gunther, Julia Cellery, and RebeccaBlum, is a North Carolina Non-Profit corporation which currently receives nopublic funding, being entirely supported by private funds and contributions.

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Inaugural Season of hiSTORYstage, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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