Saturday, July 21, 2012

Why You Need A Business Blog To Have A Booming Business Online

July 20th, 2012 // 12:31 pm @ Mike T. Spoons

You may be mystified why you need a business blog, if your business is already successful with lots of traffic. To continue with a level of success or to improve on that success, it is now essential to have a blog as part of your internet presence. In order to maintain your customer base and to allow it to grow and go on to get bigger, a business blog is essential. If your site is already enjoying success, a business blog will add value to it.

With a static site, there isn?t any sense that there is an actual person behind it. People like to know there is a genuine person, who will respond when a question is asked. There should be more to a web site than the print and the images. With a blog, the site visitors can make comments, and you can react to what they say, allowing for a rapport that is not possible with a static website. With all of the social networking around, people like interaction, especially before they think of buying any product. With a blog, the content may be updated regularly, so the people can have the latest information. The information you share can thus always be pertinent and up to date.

Search engines are responsible for 80% of a site?s visitors, and site owners know this so they try to increase their rankings with the Loki link builder review. The major search engines are the best source of targeted prospects. People will find your goods and services via their search queries on the search engines. This is the reason it is fantastic for driving the kind of visitors you want to your site. It is much quicker getting blog pages indexed than static pages, which is important for showing up in the search engine results.

Blogs have something special, the ping function, which makes it much easier to generate traffic to a blog than a static page. Every time a new post is made, it is pinged, letting the search engines know that completely new content has been put on the site. Spider bots are then directed by the search engines to analyze the material on your blog to find out if it is fresh. If the spiders are satisfied, your brand new content will be indexed and will be shown in the search engine results for queries with the content?s keywords. Then it is merely a matter of getting your web pages to rank high enough so that a lot of people will see them.

Whenever you publish a new blog post the internal links on your blog are updated accordingly, something that cannot be done with static web pages. With these the linking is a manual activity, as well as the construction of a sitemap. You waste time and effort working on technical things which on a blog are carried out on auto-pilot. If your website is a blog, the energy you waste on a website?s technical issues can be directed into more productive things. It is now fast approaching the stage where you must have a blog for your web business to be successful.

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Category : SEO Marketing


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